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7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Ken Rhodes

    Relax, friends. You have a few extra days to file this year. April 15 falls on a weekend. The next weekday is April 17, but that is Emancipation Day, a holiday in Washington DC. So the IRS deadline for federal filing is Tuesday, April 18.

    Come to think of it, the folks in the photo look like they are pretty relaxed about it. I guess that means they already knew of the later deadline this year.

      1. johnbroughton2013

        Almost right. The news story says that the California extension is for 51 counties. There are 58 counties in California, so that means those in seven counties in California (those not affected by flooding, basically) still have an April 18th filing deadline.

  2. Traveller

    DFPaul has it CPA told me to chill, no extension needed, no penalty for late (sort of) filing. Best Wishes, Traveller

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