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7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Salamander

    This is the Control Tower. We have a problem. Abort your landing and circle until the runways are cleared. Repeat, abort your landing and circle.

  2. cld

    Three times tried to add a comment, it won't do it.

    But this one did.

    edit: such an important comment. It has a link in it, is that the problem?

  3. Toofbew

    If that were my yard in the Pacific Northwest, I'd say that's a purple finch female on top besieged by flocking bushtits. Do you have those in Irvine?

    1. Steve_OH

      The one on top is a House Finch, but the rest are indeed Bushtits.

      There are other differences, but one way to tell the difference is the amount of streaking on the belly. In House Finches, the streaks continue nearly to the tail, whereas in Purple Finches the lower belly and undertail are clear.

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