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6 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. KawSunflower

    Let's hope that no one imbued with religiosity rther than religion reads your blog, takes exception, & reports you to others.

    1. dmsilev

      The same library has a Gutenberg Bible on display, which I suppose could mollify the religiosity-minded. And a Shakespeare First Folio, for the humanities-oriented. Seriously, it's a wonderful collection.

  2. bebopman

    I tend to lean toward "Gravity's Rainbow," but Newton's good too. Isaac got to stand on the shoulders of Giants, and Pynchon had to chase V-2 rockets.

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      Newton and Liepnitz both developed differential calculus independently. Then Liepnitz died and Newton’s n spent his last ten years dissing him.

  3. ScentOfViolets

    No love for The Elements? Newton hisself was pretty big on that one, in fact, was involved in the only time he was said to laughed.

  4. Eve

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