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9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Ken Rhodes

    That's a VERY suspicious looking squirrel. I'd recommend holding him for questioning, but I'm sure he wouldn't give anything up.

  2. KawSunflower

    Speckled, plump as - maybe a marmot? (not resembling my local squirrels who get a little supplemental food from me (black oil sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts). Maybe s/he's just overfed, lethargic, trying to stay awake.

    1. Steve_OH

      California ground squirrel. Depending on how you look at it, ground squirrels are either small skinny marmots with longer tails, or marmots are large fat squirrels with shorter tails. Chipmunks are ground squirrels/marmots, too.

      1. KawSunflower

        Thanks for your information, as always.

        The dainty chipmunks i've known in Minnesota & Virginia, with their little chirping sounds, sure don't fit the marmot-fsmily image in my mind, but this sleepy-looking creature did. Should have known that California would have different squirrels & that Kevin Drum would photograph one!

  3. Salamander

    Years ago in Sacramento, one of my offspring was able to get squirrels to come very, VERY close to him by pretending to toss "nuts" (actually, nothing) towards them. Fortunately, none of them came close enough to sink their teeth into him.

    1. coynedj

      My daughter trained a local squirrel to come into her apartment (first floor, with a sliding door), hop on her lap, and eat from her hands. And she never got bit. The squirrel whisperer.

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    That feeling in the morning when a photographer wants to snap a shot of you and you haven't even had your first cup of coffee.

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