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Lunchtime Photo

The top photo shows the sun setting over a Marine Corps construction project on the beach at Camp Pendleton. The project is a bunch of concrete boxes, and I don't know what they're for. Urban warfare exercises?

The bottom photo is the same scene but from a different angle. The big cloud on the left is the famous Southern California marine layer rolling in. Within a couple of minutes it had made its way to me and I was completely socked in.

October 20, 2022 — Camp Pendleton, California

4 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Salamander

    Widely-separated, windowless concrete boxes? Seems a little close to the beach to be weapons or ammunition bunkers.

  2. Traveller

    Yes, Urban Warfare and Area Clearance is what they are for....I've seen troops practicing there...even doing a seaborne landing I believe....anyhow, it is a valuable training facility. Best Wishes, Traveller

    PS I was down at Pt Fermin seeing Shakespeare by The Sea put on Hamlet and the Marine Layer came in and suddenly the audience was freezing...I am not a hoodie type, but I had the hood on my jacket pulled up and tightly fitting across my face....amazing cold!

  3. Eve

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