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6 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. raoul

    Per Wikipedia, Versailles own website and my own personal recollection, that’s the king’s chamber, specifically King Louis IV, and yes it is like a personal tent.

  2. lithiumgirl

    Magnificent. The large canopy prevented vermin from dropping onto the bed. Kind of puts a different perspective on it, doesn't it?

  3. kaleberg

    It helps to remember that those bedrooms were public spaces. Guests were received there. You can compare it with the Silicon Valley custom of asserting power by wearing more casual clothes. The CEO would wear a track suit or turtleneck or pajamas while the supplicant would wear a business suit. At the Versailles, the king or duke or whatever would be in his dressing robe to receive more privileged supplicants in his bedroom. The less privileged could kneel in the throne room.

    P.S. I gather that screwing was done in private, but the queen gave birth in public so that everyone could tell it was her child, hence the fascination with stories of babies switched at birth.

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