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Lunchtime Photo

This is a lone sailboat in the late afternoon, taken from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. There's nothing very special about this picture, but I'm accustomed to taking pictures of the Pacific Ocean, where I'm generally shooting into the sun. On the Atlantic coast you're shooting away from the sun, which certainly produces much deeper blues in the ocean water.

November 17, 2022 — Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Virginia

9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Ken Rhodes

    I'm not sure about this, but I suspect "towards the sun" and "away from the sun" might be influenced by time-of-day.

    1. rick_jones


      Furthermore, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge runs approximately East-West, so a picture taken from a car (as a passenger I trust…) would be looking either North or South.

      1. Ken Rhodes

        The bridge runs predominantly E-W, but there is a significant segment starting from Sandy Point that runs more south than east. Also, looking at Kevin's photo, it appears he took it facing one of the two shores. Even if Marian were driving east or west, it seems Kevin was facing predominantly east or predominantly west. From the lack of substantial structures along the shore I'm guessing he was facing east.

      2. rather_be_fishing

        The caption says "Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Virginia" which leads me to think he took it from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel from Virginia Beach to the Peninsula (North/South) rather than the Bay Bridge in Maryland, which goes from Annapolis to Kent's Island (East/West). (Native Marylander here)

        1. Ken Rhodes

          You're absolutely right about that. Just goes to show how you (I) can get so wrapped up in some details you (I) can lose sight of the horizon.

          Since it's the Bay Bridge-Tunnel, then it seems the photo is taken somewhere near the north end, since the shorline at the south end is populated by many highrise structures. <>

      3. Steve_OH

        You can park on some of the four artificial islands along the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel.

        This is the only place in the world that I know of where the Ruddy Turnstones are so tame that you can feed them out of your hand.

  2. bouncing_b

    A polarizing filter is just the thing for deeper sea blues and reducing reflections.
    I’ve tried to duplicate this in photoshop or Lightroom but it’s just not as good.

  3. Standing in the Middle of Nowhere

    I'll second the polarizing filter. It's hard to reproduce that effect on the computer.

    Perhaps less relevant to the VA tunnel, every June they shut down shipping for the bay swim at the MD bridge. sighting is easy as one has to stay between the 2 spans. The rip rap does extend a long way from the towers, though. Don't ask me how I might know that.

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