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Lunchtime Photo

Yes, I'm traveling this week. Here's where I stopped for the night. Can you identify the city?

UPDATE: leszekmp got it right: it's Flagstaff, Arizona, taken from an overlook on the road up to Lowell Observatory. We stopped in Flagstaff on our way to Durango, Colorado, where (a) we have friends, and (b) I will be a few minutes drive from Saturday's annular eclipse. There will be photos, of course.

October 11, 2023 — ??

19 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Doctor Jay

    That's the West Coast at sunset. Probably California, If you zoom in you can see tile roofs, which along with the coast strongly suggests CA. I can rule out the places I'm most familiar with, so it has to be something like Eureka or San Luis Obispo. It isn't Santa Cruz or Monterey, for sure.

    EDIT: I take it back, it could be Astoria, enjoying some very unusually clear weather.

    1. superfly

      I was thinking SLO too, and that the dome structure in the right of the pic must be a campus building, possible their sports arena, but didn't see anything that corresponded to it on Google maps.

      Definitely looks central CA coast-ish though.

  2. golack

    I see oak trees!!!
    ....oh, doesn't help much....
    From the greenery, I'd guess it's a relatively wet place that's had a recent dry spell.

    1. bluegreysun

      Ahh. Good eye! He left out the ponderosa pines... Apparently the photo is looking south, if he had turned around the San Francisco Peaks might've been more help. I've been on that road, but wouldn't have guessed it.

      1. leszekmp

        Photo is facing east; LA is about 400 miles to the west. Photo is taken right at sunset, looking over fairly flat terrain with pristine visibility. You're seeing the earth's shadow approaching.

      1. Salamander

        This is the second annular eclipse to come through town in the last decade (or so)!! Also, the Balloon Fiesta will be going on, too. Lots of stuff for a man and his camera.

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