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13 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. Ken Rhodes

      Hey, that Family Liquor has some killer prices! Since my grandchildren are over 21, I think that's good for family togetherness.

      Sadly, it's about 900 miles from me, so I guess I won't be taking advantage of it for Thanksgiving.

  1. Ken Rhodes

    The world actually has quite a lot of that. In the Outer Banks of North Carolina, within a 35 mile strip along the ocean, BrewThru has SIX stores.
    Sadly, though, they don't have liquor. North Carolina has liquor only in State stores.

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      New Hampshire also only has state liquor stores, but they have no state sales tax. Hence their stores -- many of which are very near the state line -- are quite popular with residents of neighboring states. I doubt that this still happens in quite the same way, but the stores used to take out full-page ads in newspapers around New England, with a line in small print somewhere near the bottom to the effect of, "This advertisement is directed to New Hampshire residents only." Uh-huh.

  2. bebopman

    Sure. New Mexico, juuuust a little south of that, used to be the national leader in drive thru liquor stores and dui along the interstate. The drive thru clerk would open your bottle/can for you so you could drive away without fumbling your purchase. Safety first!

  3. emjayay

    Not really unusual.

    Cortez is near Mesa Verde NP and has a lot of motels. I thought this was the store I used to go to when I worked there but that was Cork n Bottle. G Whil is at the south edge of town well out of the central area. I see they have a couple of weed stores now but sadly without drive thru windows.

  4. lawnorder

    I don't see the problem. You drive to the liquor, pick up your favorite tipple, load it in your car, and drive it home. I don't see any difference between going to the drive up window and getting out of your car to go into the store.

    1. jakewidman

      They had drive-through liquor stores in Maryland when I was growing up, and they'd give you plastic cups with your order if you wanted. I don't know if that's still the case.

  5. pjcamp1905

    There used to be one of those where I grew up, but the included liquor and you could buy draft beer by the gallon.

    That's just almost a good idea.

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