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Lunchtime Photo

This is Agathla Peak in Arizona. According to our friends at Wikipedia, it is an "eroded volcanic plug consisting of volcanic breccia cut by dikes of an unusual igneous rock called minette."

It is one of many such volcanic diatremes that are found in Navajo country of northeast Arizona and northwest New Mexico.

The English designation Agathla is derived from the Navajo name aghaałą́ meaning 'much wool', apparently for the fur of antelope and deer accumulating on the rock. The mountain is considered sacred by the Navajo.

October 12, 2023 — Near Kayenta, Arizona

10 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. MattBallAZ

    Great picture. We came across it the day we visited Monument Valley and were really surprised and delighted to see it just ... there.

    1. MarissaTipton

      I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
      This is what I do………> > >

  2. Dana Decker

    Fantastic light blue sky with gradient-dense gray-purple cumulus clouds shading the bare peak, and the pleasing contrast of a pale rust foreground with minimal vegetation. Excellent framing.

    One of your best. That sky looks like it was painted - in a good way.

    The image is loaded with fractals that abound in nature.

  3. D_Ohrk_E1

    This photo is not particularly sharp despite your 1/2500 aperture speed and ISO at 100. Any reason why? Did you crop (and rescale)?

  4. pjcamp1905

    Apparently, minette is not minette.

    Minette is sedimentary iron ore in Luzembourg and Lorraine from the Jurassic period.

    This stuff is lamprophyre, for which minette is an archaic, local (but it doesn't say where) term, and occurs in small quantities essentially everywhere and from everywhen, Archaen through Cenozoic.

  5. bouncing_b

    Speaking of Wikipedia - which we all depend on - those is a great time to donate to them. Surely you see their pitch when you go there this time of year. Keep Wikipedia ad-free and independent!

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