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Lunchtime Photo

Here is last night's lunar eclipse. Can you see it? Huh? Can you?

It was a 3.5% eclipse, and I didn't even catch it at its high point, so all you can see is a bit of a shadow at the top. Meh.

I took it with my new camera and lens, and it's not great because the sky was a little hazy from the forest fires. In any case, compare this to a picture taken with my telescope, which is miles better than anything I can get with the camera.

September 17, 2024 — Irvine, California

3 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Rattus Norvegicus

    Look for comet C/2023 A3 before sunrise next week, and in the evening around the middle of next month. Right now it is predicted to reach M2.5 to M2 near closest approach to Earth around the 15th of October.

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