I took my sister to the hospital yesterday to get her broken arm patched up, and naturally we had to check in at 5:30 am because reasons. After she was settled in I had a few hours to kill, so I drove down to Seal Beach to take pictures of the moonset and sunrise.
When I got home I set up the telescope in our backyard in order to catch the occultation of Mars. Sadly, I got busy editing pictures and forgot all about it. I'm not sure it would have worked anyway, since it was pretty early in the evening and possibly not dark enough for the focusing and north pole finding to work.
So no occultation pictures for you. Instead, here's a picture of moonset over Ocean Boulevard in Seal Beach. As the moon was going down the sun was coming up, which gave the moon a lovely yellow cast.

Oddly I had exactly the same experience, aside from the sister, the broken arm, the hospital and Mars.
But I saw the same moon setting this morning, over the new fallen snow, the 20 below wind chill and the neighbor who couldn't get his car moving and woke me up scraping away at the pavement with a snow shovel making the most ungodly amount of noise.
It's made of cheese.
Sure, but then that can’t be the moon in the picture. That would be cheddar and we all know the moon is made of green cheese.
That full moon was a big and bright one. Not in California and it was notable.
Red sky at night, sailor delight.
Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.
Beyond the moon, one might ask why your sister needed an appointment, apparently on a different day from the arm breaking event. However, it's "none of our business" and "not your story to tell."
So never mind. Nice moon!
I was having surgery for a broken bone in my elbow. Early check in for 7:30 OR time. Kevin is a prince for taking me.
He is, indeed, a prince. I've had to arrive around 5:30am for various surgeries, and it's no picnic getting prepped (at home) and then being driven there by an uncomplaining spousal unit.
Not Kevin’s sister, but the timeline sounds reasonable. I had a no good deed goes unpunished moment on a Saturday, after the urgent care was closing for the day. Went to urgent care on Sunday, got referred to the orthopedist and saw on Tuesday. Wednesday morning, first thing I showed up at the surgicenter (0600 for an 0730 nightynight) to have plates and pins installed for my left wrist. Pins out two weeks later and am now in PT.
What was the moment? I was getting up from the ice after picking up a small wad of paper so others would not trip on it when my skates went out from under me and I fell backwards, trying to brace my fall with my empty left hand …
great photo! thanks!
When I was leaving for work at 5:15 AM I used to see the finest moon sets. It was special then and great to see now. Fantastic Photo
Was the moon perhaps more yellow due to the wildfire smoke in the atmosphere?