He’s on the pier, not on a boat. But in any case, I’m guessing the answer is “the evil dex.”
Very nice.
I love looking back across The Atlantic or the Pacific to the mainland as the sun rises or sets over it. Suits my need for chaos in the grid; reminds me that reality is fractal.
That's a pilot boat. Or a crew transfer boat if there's any platforms nearby...
What were you doing already on a boat at that ungodly hour? You a fisherperson now?
There's a spot he likes where the angle is such that the sun rises over the water from a land vantage point.
The coast here goes east-west along Long Beach before goring north and south again.
You get similar views from the lighthouse in Santa Cruz, or Pleasure Point.
He’s on the pier, not on a boat. But in any case, I’m guessing the answer is “the evil dex.”
Very nice.
I love looking back across The Atlantic or the Pacific to the mainland as the sun rises or sets over it. Suits my need for chaos in the grid; reminds me that reality is fractal.
That's a pilot boat. Or a crew transfer boat if there's any platforms nearby...