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Lunchtime Photo

This is Highway 241, a relatively new toll road that passes through northern Irvine and connects north to Riverside and south to Coto de Caza. It's a handy shortcut for me when I go out to the desert for astronomy nights.

March 4, 2022 — Orange County, California

6 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. NotCynicalEnough

    This is good spending as KD wants to be able to drive out to the desert wheras HSR is a boondoggle because KD never wants to go to SF. I'm not going to defend HSR management which had been poor but they at least managed to electrify Caltrain which I would argue is a greater public good than making it easier for LA residents to drive to the desert.

    1. rick_jones

      Electrification of Caltrain was certainly in furtherance of CA HSR but was it actually under the “control” of the CA HSR entity?

      1. limitholdemblog

        The HSR project sped up the electrification of Caltrain. It's just about the only good thing it did, but credit where credit is due. (And TBC, one of the roadblocks here is that it's hard to get state legislators to vote for projects that will only help one region of California. So doing that through a ballot initiative pushed through that roadblock.)

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