I'm feeling back up to making charts, so I thought I'd show you one that clarifies my progress with the CAR-T infusion. This is just the crudest sort of extrapolation, so take it with a grain of salt.
As it turns out, I've actually had three M-protein measurements. The first was several days before the CAR-T infusion; the second was a few days ago; and the third was on Monday. Here's what they look like:
As you can see, the M-protein level appears to be dropping on a dead straight line. If this keeps up, it will reach zero on Day 48, which is around June 12. This is seven weeks after Day 0, which is precisely when the recovery is supposed to be at its deepest.
None of this is guaranteed, and I'll have to come back for a PET scan and then a biopsy to get accurate numbers. But it does suggest that I'm on the road to zero, or "undetectable," as they call it, since the myeloma never truly goes 100% away. Regardless, it's looking good so far.
Love your charts and particularly love that one! Good luck!
Yes, finally a chart that's going the right direction. Keep it up .. or should I say keep it going down.
You're going to have a super immune system like Deadpool.
Nice to see the return of a linear trendline, in the right direction 🙂
very cool! keep it happening! good luck!
Very good news Mr. D. - hope it stays on track.
The "About" bit still says "Its'currenlt incurable".
Life is incurable!
At my age, we look for good trends to extend, and bad trends to curtail. It looks like young Mr. Drum is doing that too, quite well.
Here's hoping for many, many more years of catt photos.
Those are encouraging numbers! Let's all hope for the best.
I'm no expert, but that sure looks good to me! Here's hoping for staying on trend. And thanks for posting these updates--
This sounds like excellent news!
Happy not just for you & Marian, but for all others who will learn about this medical advance & be able to take advantage of it.
This is very good news. Best wishes for that "undetectable" pronouncement!
Fight on! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Keep the good news coming! My fingers remain crossed.
This is such wonderful news. I hope you continue to feel better and that this linear trendline is has a R^2 close to 1!!