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Moms for Liberty had a bad night on Tuesday

Moms for Liberty, the hard-right group best known for banning books in schools and opposing CRT, backed a bunch of candidates for school boards across the country during this election cycle. But over at Mother Jones, Kiera Butler reports that most of them lost. I've taken the liberty of summarizing her results in the chart at the right.

This isn't definitive, but it includes the highest profile races that MfL was involved in. As with most groups like this, they're a shooting star. For a brief moment they take advantage of the hysteria of the moment (communists, gays, CRT, whatever) but then they flame out. Tuesday's losses might not spell the end of Moms for Liberty, but it sure seems like people have gotten tired of their schtick already.

13 thoughts on “Moms for Liberty had a bad night on Tuesday

  1. different_name

    best known for banning books in schools and opposing CRT

    Why do people accept these bullshit frames? "Opposing CRT" is utter nonsense, no matter how you parse it.

    They don't "oppose" the actual academic-legal theory. I mean, I'm sure they think of it negatively, but they aren't leaning on law schools to stamp it out, or speaking out against it, or whatever.

    No, they just recycled the term to mean effectively the same thing as their attempted cooption of "woke". It just means "related to black culture."

    They're just racist shitbags, effectively the Klan's women's auxiliary.

  2. ColBatGuano

    And even if a few of these nutbags do make it into office, I'd be willing to bet they leave after one term when they are forced to do the routine, boring stuff a school board actually spends its time on.

  3. GMF

    This is probably good for the organization as they *clearly* they need **more money** to spread their message and recruit candidates.

  4. Martin Stett

    It takes a while for the agenda to sink in to normal people, but when it does . . .

    "A west Michigan library that drew international attention after it was defunded twice by voters over LGBTQ-themed books has finally won the taxpayer support needed to stay open.
    Voters in Ottawa County’s Jamestown Township approved an operating millage Tuesday for the Patmos Library by a 63 percent to 37 percent margin, with all votes counted, ending one of Michigan’s most contentious culture wars over books."

  5. Salamander

    I was pleased to hear yesterday that at least two MFL-backed candidates for the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education were defeated. One was a member who had long been a notorious right winger, so her defeat was particularly satisfying to me.

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