The group Moms for Liberty is holding its national convention this weekend. It was created in 2021, allegedly by three housewives who were political neophytes but finally decided one day that something had to be done about liberal threats to their kids' education. So they took a deep breath and started organizing, even though this was all new to them.
It's the oldest and hoariest story in Republican mythology. New "grassroots" groups are always the work of naive suburban women who got together over coffee one day and decided to give activism a whirl. But it's no more true this time around than it ever has been:
Moms for Liberty was incorporated in January 2021 by three Florida women: School board members Tina Descovich, Tiffany Justice, and Bridget Ziegler, the DeSantis-endorsed chair of the Sarasota County School Board and wife of Florida GOP Chairman Christian Ziegler.
The wife of Florida's Republican chairman. That sure sounds like someone who's a political sophisticate. And their funding hardly comes from masses of $5 donations:
Moms for Liberty reported $370,000 in revenue in its first year, including contributions of $100,000, $20,000, $15,000, $10,000, and $5,000....The group has said it’s still working on preparing more recent financial statements. Descovich recently told The Inquirer that “we definitely have some bigger individual donors who have come in over the last year to help us out.”
But how did they grow so fast? In less than 24 months they've swelled to 120,000 members in 285 chapters nationwide:
Like the tea party, Moms for Liberty has, in addition to grassroots donations it says have largely come through sales of its T-shirts, grown with the help of big-dollar conservative donors and ample airtime from right-wing media outlets....Moms for Liberty’s political action committee was the beneficiary of a $50,000 donation from Julie Fancelli, the Publix Super Markets heiress.
So this weekend, when you see cheering crowds, big-name speakers, and sharply-designed sets, this is why. It's because this has been a professional, highly planned, and deeply funded movement from the very start.
Don't forget the Hitler quotes.
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Yes, this! It speaks to exactly who these people are that something like a quotation from Adolf-fucking-Hitler would be used in their promotional material. I mean, I consider myself a pretty well-educated guy, and I'd be hard-pressed to come up with _anything_ Hitler actually _said_ in terms of a quote that wasn't like, silly parody memes from that Downfall scene.
It's not a movement, it's a wingnut grift scheme.
Nothing these people do is genuine.
Except that they think being a wingnut grift scheme is really 'what everyone else does', so genuinely a load of crap.
A lot like a reality show. In fact, exactly like a reality show, but where anybody can join and imagine they're not ugly and brainless because the camera is there, except they only get to imagine the camera is there because they donate to America's real idiots.
This is much more than a grift. They invade school board meetings, rant and rave, get books and curriculum changed. They are spreading hate.
You are being naive it's not for nothing that the SPLC has labeled them an extremist group. They are an imminent danger to public education in the US and well a danger to the US overall.
I wasn't trying to deny that, they're a proto-terrorist group and eventually something or someone inspired by them or associated with them will do something awful, but also they're raking in the dough.
I don't think most of those people who've organized it would be doing it if they weren't coming out on top.
Is there any example where "liberty" has been used for anything other than "I want to be free to hate out loud"?
I'm sure not. It's always been about being hateful out load. It started in 2008 and Barak Obama. Having that black man in the White House was just too much. They're just evil people.
Heh the Liberty Loans during WWI? Statue of Liberty? Yeah all over a century ago!
Because the stupid have a right to be smart, too, you know,
That's what freedom means!
Sadly, Twitter has now shut off access to all content for those without accounts. Quite infuriating!
I am sorry, I didn't realize that.
I'm pretty sure it's not your fault. 😛
The sickening part is that most MSM outlets will go out of their way to avoid pointing out this obvious fact. Instead we get story after story from the likes of the NYT's Sabrina Tavernise pretending that obvious GOP operatives are jes' folks like you and me.
Yes, and yet more trips out to Angry Whitemanistan to consult the rando drones hanging out in diners. All of whom seem to be big trump worshippers.
Like the NFL, they all use astroturf.
Grift + hype + misrepresentation in and by media = astroturf movement. A proven formula since at least Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (sic).
Don't forget an essential ingredient: the money that doesn't want you to know from what pocket it came.
Well, in my youth I wondered what my generation’s miserable old busybodies would be like, and now I know.
I'm so naive and literal minded that I always assume "Liberty!" meant you got to do what you wanted, learn what you wanted, read what you wanted, and the government wouldn't stop you.
These are the same people who have changed "freedom of religion" into "making the government enforce YOUR religious beliefs on everybody else."
If I were rich, I'd start a SuperPAC to fund groups that stole the thunder from these far-right groups by coopting their appeals to liberty, nationalism, and the American flag.
But I guess rich people hate having that kind of fun.
When they tell you who they are, believe them.
"Moms for Liberty’s upcoming national summit will feature KrisAnne Hall, a far-right commentator who has been a member and host for the anti-government Oath Keepers militia. Hall is also an election conspiracy theorist who “compared the U.S. Capitol police to Nazi S.S. troops” and gave an anti-government presentation to the white nationalist and pro-Confederate group League of the South."
It's like those old Mickey Rooney musicals. "Hey, kids, let's put on a show." The next thing you know they've got a full size stage with professionally designed sets and lighting, a photogenic waterfall, a chorus line with fifty dancers, a full sized orchestra and a half dozen well known singers. They were a lot of fun, but even back then they fooled no one.
google NS-Frauenschaft. history does repeat itself