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MSG report #4

Naturally Donald Trump himself gets the final MSG post. But it's not for any single thing he said, since he just repeated all his greatest hits from the past. Instead, it's for his full body of work.

44 thoughts on “MSG report #4

  1. Larry Jones

    All of Trump's outlandish lies have been debunked multiple times, but he keeps telling them, and his fans prefer the lies to the truth. I've had trouble sleeping for weeks now, fearing that he'll get elected by these people.

    1. CAbornandbred

      I am working to stay confident of a Harris victory. I take solace in knowing that if women get out in enough numbers they can control our country at all levels forever if we would just choose to do it.

      1. KawSunflower

        An extraordinary number of American women voted for trump - & Hitler was adored by many women, including some of England's upper class.

        1. jte21

          White working class women esp still break for Trump in fairly large numbers, at least according to polls. What we don't know is what they'll do by themselves in the voting booth (if they don't have their husbands looking over their shoulders).

          In 2016, where the WWC women's vote was pretty key to Trump wins in MI and PA, one analyst explained that for a lot of women, voting for the candidate they know will make their husbands happy is a fairly large consideration and a lot of them saw how excited Trump made their husbands, regardless of what they thought about the p*ssy-grabbing and all that crap. Having a pissed off spouse drinking and cursing at the liberals on TV a lot while stroking a firearm doesn't make for a great domestic situation for a lot of women.

          1. Vog46

            Sounds very Archie Bunker-ish
            Unfortunately it also may be right

            Kamala and the Democrats in general have morphed abortion rights into women's rights and that might not be right as the population right now is skewed towards people who are past child bearing age, and many women get very conservative as they get older (as do men)
            We want to believe that our own kids would NEVER need or consider an abortion. I'm all for making birth control over the counter. We are, after all, a very naive people

          2. gibba-mang

            just a reminder that a significant portion of voters did NOT vote for either trump or clinton in 2016. they voted down ballot but let the presidential race blank. I read something recently that Harris is +22 with women overall but I don't know the breakdown by education or race

          3. cld

            This is why de-motivation is key in this. We have to make sure those men can find reasons to dislike Trump, and in a way they can find it themselves.

            And in fact I think this is why jailing him is by far the best option. His supporters will just have to confront that he's guilty, and while most of them may choose loudly not to believe it they'll never be able to get past it and the longer he stays in jail, and the more jail time he racks up with multiple convictions, the more it will sink in.

  2. painedumonde

    Fucking refreshing. The word lie, such a negative word, corrosive to government even normal civilization, finally let loose to describe such an elementary part of the man's existence.

    1. Batchman

      The word "lie" is so corrosive that these days people don't even dare to use it to mean "recline." I see everywhere, and I mean everywhere, "lay down" or "lay on the floor" etc. in place of "lie down..." and this from sources which used to have near-impeccable grammar.

  3. bad Jim

    Maybe quite a lot of Americans will vote for him just because he's fat like them.

    We haven't had an obese president since Taft, and the 40 percent of Americans who tip the scales into that category might just be inclined to identify with the guy.

    Sure, it sounds crazy, but the examples of Reagan and Bush suggest that being stupid may actually be appealing. So, fat AND stupid? Simply irresistible!

  4. bebopman

    I’m glad to see that Harris’ more aggressive tack appears to be paying off. When you have a group of Muslims who reject a person who probably could be persuaded to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians after she is elected and decide that the guy who banned Muslims from entering the country is a better option, you know that normal, rational appeals may not work.

    1. Batchman

      "Harris’ more aggressive tack appears to be paying off" would be great if true. But some sources indicate otherwise:

      Pro-Harris Super PAC Raises Concerns About Focusing on Trump and Fascism

      The group, Future Forward, warned that attacking Donald J. Trump as a fascist or questioning his character or stamina are less effective than highlighting Kamala Harris’s proposals.

      Oh, that's the "even-handed" NYT again, I guess you'd say.

  5. D_Ohrk_E1

    I wonder if the actions of the owners of the LAT and WaPo had an effect to galvanize media outlets to stand firm and push back against editorial interference and created momentum for outlets to speak about, and defend the truth?

  6. jdubs

    You know who is to blame for the popularity of this message?


    I mean Kamala.

    No wait, if only Joe had dropped out a few weeks earlier. Yes, thats it!

  7. Bluto_Blutarski

    I had to catch a train to Washingon yesterday, which meant Penn Station, right acoss the street from the Garden, and so I had to walk through the crowd that was gathered there in the early afternoon. And I have to admit it shook me.

    Here was New York, my adopted city and in many ways my happy place, teeming with fascists. And they weren't angry, hateful people. They were ordinary Americans, obviously not New Yorkers themselves by their dress and haircuts but middle Americans. The mood was upbeat, celebratory and the phrase that came to mind was "the banality of evil."

    Ordinary people, joyfully embracing an extraordinary hate. Ordinary Americas gathered to support an extraordinarily un-American idea.

    Whoever wins the election next week, vast swathes of our country are lost.

    1. Justin

      The Democratic Party is what it is, a fundamentally unstable coalition of affluent metropolitan white folks and working-class people of color, whose interests are beginning to pull them in different directions.

      If the working class wants trump so bad, then we should let them go. After all, democrat's primary goal is for the working class to prosper. If they think they will get it from trump, then let them try. It's a win for the working class.

      At this stage, Bernie Sanders (bless is heart) and his ideas are out of touch with reality.

      1. Yehouda

        "If they think they will get it from trump, then let them try."

        The problem with that is that it is one way "try". Once Trump eliminate democracy from the US (which he will do if he is in reasonable health for two years), there wiill not be a non-violent way back.

      2. jdubs

        It has never really been the case that 'the working class' supports Trump.

        This is certainly part of the Trump campaign and Russia's propaganda efforts....but, we shouldnt pretend that its true.

        Although perhaps you mean 'working class' euphemistically as it sounds better than ' well off white people'.

        1. gibba-mang

          the "working class" support trump not for economic issues, but social issues like trans and gay rights, gay couple adopting and late-term abortion

        2. coynedj

          Lots of working class folks I know are Trump supporters. Especially in rural areas - maybe working class people in the cities are more likely to vote Democratic, but in the hinterlands of South Dakota (where I live) there are folks who have never voted for a Democrat and never will, because they're practically communists.

      3. KenSchulz

        Most coalitions are unstable, I guess. The Republican Party is a conglomeration of single-issue voter groups: low taxes/deregulation//corporations-are-people fatcats, Trump cultists/white Christian nationalists, gun nuts, anti-abortion/all your womb are belong to us, and of course the racists/bigots/xenophobes. There is overlap among the groups, but there are definitely orthogonal and even contradictory policy goals.

  8. NotCynicalEnough

    Maybe we have finally reached the point where the MSM has figured out that the reason Trump voters still like Trump is the Straight, White, Christian Supremacy and all those other reasons they give are just bullshit. But probably not.

  9. Salamander

    Whoever wins in the electoral college, because your vote doesn't actually matter; that ain't how things work in These United States, there will be violence and riots.

    If the Felon comes up short, as he always has (2016 the exception), the riots will be rage-induced attempts at yet another coup de tat. If he ekes out an electoral college win, the riots and destruction will be both celebration and punishment of Democrats and election officials.

    Batten down the hatches and keep your pets inside, if possible, during election night and some days thereafter.

  10. RZM

    I'm trying to understand the purpose of the MSG rally. It sure doesn't seem to expand his base nor help him with young black and latino men or do anything to get him more than his 46% ceiling. So is this just about getting out the vote among the MAGA faithful ? Or is it about stirring up the faithful to react violently when they lose again ?

    1. ScentOfViolets

      Here's a hypothetical: What if, come election day even one of these goobers tries to shoot up a single polling station in GA? Right. _All_ GA polling stations are shut down in the name of 'security'. Any excuse in a storm, amirite? And if this happens in more than one Republican controlled swing state ...

      1. FrankM

        I think your scenario is more likely in a western state if the eastern battleground states go for Harris and it looks like Trump is going to lose.

        1. ScentOfViolets

          Oh, I just picked that specific scenario and state at random. I could have said, generally, the hope is that enough chaos will be generated on election day to (somehow) give Team Kaos an advantage, but I wanted to be a little punchier. In any case, I take the events at MSG to be yet more evidence that Team Control is going to win this one handily. Well, at least at the top of the ticket.

        2. Yehouda

          The actual scenario they are going to use is trying to block certification of the votes in swing states that Trump loses, based on some events like that, and driven by threats against election officials.

          They will try to block certification of Democratic majority counties, and if that doesn't work, block the certification of the whole state.

      1. RZM

        I agree, it is who they are, but I'm also afraid that what Scent of Violets said above is also true, that is, they are planning on how to wreak havoc on and after election day, in part because they are beginning to worry that they are going to lose. There are some rational - or at least not stupid - people on the warthog's campaign team and I think they are seeing bad news under the headline polls. No offense to warthogs.

    2. Batchman

      One purpose of staging campaign events in states like NY and CA is to benefit the Republicans running for Congressional office in those states. That could help insure Republican control of the House and/or Senate, which are high priorities for the party (whether or not Trump personally cares).

      1. KJK

        We know that Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, so the only reason for him to help down ballot MAGA would be to take credit if they win (and forget their names if they lose).

        I don't think any NYS swing district MAGA candidate showed their faces at last night's Hate Fest. Their Democratic opponents are trying to tie them to Orange Il Duce if possible.

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