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MTG Has Had Her 15 Minutes. She Deserves No More.

Is it better to ignore assholes who live for publicity, or do their lies need to be highlighted and fought to prevent them from settling in by default?

This is an eternal question, but I would like to suggest that in the case of Marjorie Taylor Greene the answer has become obvious: ignore her.


50 thoughts on “MTG Has Had Her 15 Minutes. She Deserves No More.

  1. rick_jones

    If reporting on the actions and words of MTG leads to raising funds, either by soliciting donations (in support or opposition) or merely for the clicks, MTG's actions and words will continue to be reported.

  2. GenXer

    I agree with Kevin. One of the reasons our politics is so screwed right now is that media outlets feature and amplify the most extreme elements. Left wing media focus entirely on morons like MTG and Louie Gohmert. Right wing media focuses on idiots like "the squad." The result is that both sides see the other as toxic that they will focus on unity for their own side no matter what - because look at the enemy! The result is a toxic cycle that keeps getting worse and worse. Want to know how we ended up with Trump? Partisan media amplifying extremists in order to try and score political points.

    1. 7g6sd2fqz4

      I see you’ve fallen for MTG’s game.

      You can disagree with the Squad’s methods or ideas but there’s no planet on which MTG and Gohmert can be thought of as remotely serious pols.

      1. Clyde Schechter

        Except this planet. They did, after all, manage to get elected to Congress. And it's anybody's guess where they might go from there.

        1. Pabodie

          It's not just that they got elected. "Serious pols" or not, they move people. People nod their heads and vote with MTG, with Gohmert, with Gaetz. It's insane, but it is very seriously real. Ignoring them, since they are simply attention-generation machines, might be a great idea. But no one knows. This is no longer Terra Firma.

          1. Mitchell Young

            What's insane about it...if you don't want your guns taken, if you work in the energy sector, if you don't want your country turning into Little Haiti, then you vote for your intersts.

      2. J. Frank Parnell

        There is no planet on which Trump could be thought of as a remotely serious pol, yet enough people fell for his schtick to get him elected president. Granted, he got his start when all sorts of networks and programs which should have been ignoring him instead started giving him free air time because he was free and good for ratings.

    2. Salamander

      "The Squad" are not idiots. There's no comparison between them and the Republican Looney Tunes Squad (which includes my former classmate, "Judge" Gohmert (sigh) I mean, really, can you even imagine that man dispensing justice??).

        1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

          I would offer that Pressley is the only Squadratic Representative that isn't an idiot.

          Tlaib might not be, either, but she at least plays stupid well.

        2. GenXer

          See, I think AOC, Tlaib, Omar and their "defund the police" and radical "down with capitalism" views are stupid, extreme, and tend to radicalize Republicans further the more they get promoted by the media. I withhold the same judgment for Bush, Pressley, and Bowman because they don't make stupid statements as much as they other three.

          You, perhaps, don't see the squad as extremists because you agree with them more than you agree with Republicans. I guarantee you, though, that most Republicans also do not see MTG or Gohmert as extremists. One can be blind to the dumb extremists of one's own side.

          1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

            Bowman & Bush are just as bad & worse, respectively.

            Cori Bush is African Methodist Episcopal Tulsi Gabbard.

      1. Joel

        Exactly. Equating the squad with MTG, Gohmert et al. is nothing more than cheap, lazy both-sides-ism. The squad at least advance arguments for policy. Today's GOP has no interest in policy and only is interested in raising money.

    3. jamesepowell

      Left wing media? What would that be? The Forward? Some podcast?

      There is no left wing media. There isn't even a left wing of any electoral consequence.

      1. GenXer

        Please, mainstream media tilts overwhelmingly to the left. NYTimes, WaPost, CNN, MSNBC, the major networks, all have an ideologically liberal approach to the news.

        1. ScentOfViolets

          If by 'ideologically liberal approach' you mean the values of the Enlightenment I'd agree. Belief that the truth can be perceived through empiricism and rationalism is indeed anything but 'conservative'.

          1. GenXer

            No, by "liberal" I mean those organizations will frame the news in the way they think will best aid the political left and the Democratic party.

          2. J. Frank Parnell

            We are living in a time when counservaitives complain reality has a liberal bias. Given this, I can see why you think the maen stream media has a liberal tilt.

          3. ScentOfViolets

            Uh-huh. You don't say. How about that. GenXer, I'm not going to take your word for it. And why should I even consider you as someone serious when you refuse to back up even simple assertions as a matter of course?

            TL;DR: Ya blew it, kid. Go to school and learn how these things are done.

          4. Mitchell Young

            LOL. You are the people that believe a dude that thinks he's a woman *is* a woman, even if he doesn't self mutilate. And don't get me started on the well proven *average* racial differences in IQ

        2. bebopman

          If it seems that truth leans to the left, you only have to look at the right to see why. Trump is mainstream Republican n ow.

      1. J. Frank Parnell

        She's too smart to fall for the old vaccination trick; no way she's letting a chip get injected so that Soros can track her and turn her position over to the Rothschilds.

  3. arghasnarg

    Srsly. Agree strongly.

    She isn't even an interesting nutcase, just a vessel of revanchist rage, limited in her expressiveness by the need to form complete sentences.

    Roll your eyes, if you have to, but don't feed the crazy.

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      Greene reminds me of Caribou Barbie. She possesses a certain knack for attracting attention, but is either too lazy or too dumb to put in the work to become serious.

  4. ScentOfViolets

    Agree with Kevin on this one. In this newer, (very) slightly-more-media-savvy world, most people capable of forming a rational, competent opinion now know a) this is who and all she is, and b) she will never, ever change. Basically stock summer silly-season footage.

    Time to move on.

  5. ey81

    I give Kevin credit, because he does ignore crazies, right and left. Hence he never writes about Al Sharpton, to my recollection, and rarely if ever about AOC or Ilhan Omar. Would that his fellow Democrats did the same.

  6. sdean7855

    AOC nailed it: “I used to work as a bartender. These are the kinds of people that I threw out of bars all the time,”
    Today's GOP: a mob boss as ex-president*, barflys and pedophiles as Representatives and the boss turtle in the Senate. It's not a big tent, it's a circus freak show.

  7. Special Newb

    It's mostly worth reporting because its a very good stop to normalizing her gqp allies.

    And also you flailed around since 2015 regarding the Trump style. Ignoring it never worked. Ignoring it led to the insurrection.

  8. Jasper_in_Boston

    She gives Democrats votes every time she opens her mouth, I’m all for her being allowed to continue to speak.

  9. kenalovell

    I might agree if Greene was a lone crazy voice on the right. But she isn't. Go read the comments at any Trumpropaganda website today and they are overwhelmingly supporting Greene's latest comments about vaccine badges being just like Jews in Germany. They're ripping McCarthy to shreds for daring to disagree with her. She and the idiot Gaetz are currently holding rallies across the country with the tacit support of the leader of the Trump Republican movement. She speaks for Trump Republicans much more truthfully than its leaders in Congress, and the more Americans realize it, the better.

  10. pjcamp1905

    It is hard to ignore someone pressing her open mouth against your windshield. Even less ignorable than squeegee guys.

  11. illilillili

    Yeah, well, unfortunately, we don't get to just ignore elected officials. We specifically decided that we will pay attention to people who get elected regardless of how ridiculous they are.

  12. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

    Speaking of brassy Members of Congress who have worn out their welcome, I see that Kevin Drum's House Rep, Katie Porter, has joined the disloyal opposition in endorsing Nina Turner in the special to replace joebiden cabinet pick, Marcia Fudge.

    I suppose KD doesn't mind this, though, since Porter is just displaying the same tin ear for politics of her law school mentor -- & Drum's 2020 Democrat primary favorite -- Chief Webb.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      *Warren, not Webb.

      In my defense, I had fellow 1980s Republican turned 2000s Democrat Senator, Jim Webb, on the brain.

  13. Vog46

    Oh for God's sake Kevin.
    MTG is the hypocrite's hypocrite
    Same goes for the Republican party as a whole

    Take Lauren Boebert
    She got pregnant as a junior in high school. Dropped out as a senior. Where are the republican christo-facists regarding her lack of morals?
    She then collected WELFARE on her way to having 4 kids - where's the calls of WELFARE QUEEN?
    She got promoted to Asst Manager of a McDonalds and decided to open her own restaurants that gave food poisoning to 80 from an illegally set up food court at a festival in Colorado?
    She then got her GED and her concealed carry permit in 2020 - 6 months before the election
    Which one do you hear about most? Her CCP of course.

    I will be blunt - where the HELL were girls like this in my time in high school? Damn I wish I had a girl who's legs spread easier than soft margarine !!! Back in my day we had unkind names for girls like that
    But she and MTG are put on pedestals by the republican supporters - while their members have under aged sex like Boebert, or solicit for under aged girls like Gaetz.
    Then get their picture taken holding a Bible upside down in front of a Church sign while the born agains go Trump did

    Its the party of hypocrisy.

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