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My Week

A few days ago I tried to buy something with my main credit card and was turned down. I paid with another credit card, and the next day the main card was fine, so I forgot the whole thing.

But then it happened again. And once again, the next day the card was fine. Then I bought something on Amazon, and it failed. I went to the "Change Payment Type" screen, chose the same card, and it went through. Then, a couple of days later, it failed again.

WTF? I went to the Chase site (another adventure in itself) and looked around. Nothing seemed to be amiss. What was going on?

Finally I noticed something. I had used the credit card to pay for my eye surgery, and that put us near our credit limit. Every time I tried to charge something that put me over, it failed. When I charged something that left me just under, it went through. In the case of the Amazon purchase, my remaining credit was about $14 and the item cost $16. I would have gone $2 over my credit limit. That's why it failed.

This is especially ironic since I'm endlessly being asked if I want a higher credit limit. Since I never come close to exceeding it, I never bother. But this time I did. And of course when my purchases failed I was never told why.

Anyway, that's been my week. Eye surgery, credit card mysteries, and I even picked up a nasty cold. Blah. At least I'm not in danger of my house being bombed into rubble by a deranged Russian dictator.

16 thoughts on “My Week

  1. M_E

    Ah yes, Chase.

    Ordered some electronic components from Aliexpress last month. Charge declined as fraudulent (by Chase).

    I immediately receive a text message from Chase on my phone to resubmit the transaction if it's legit... so I did. Transaction approved.

    Their website sucks but the fraud detection seems okay-ish. My adventures with their merchant dispute process didn't go so well.

  2. sturestahle

    I just cannot abstain from a little more trolling…
    Mr Drum is probably having a top quality healthcare insurance (for being in the United States of America) but he still almost crashed his credit card
    I had hip surgery four weeks ago (and it’s going great)
    The bill ?
    330 SKR ($35)
    I was prescribed some medication but the cost was negligible.
    I did retire September 2019 , if I hadn’t had I been allowed to stay home on sick leave for three months being paid 80% of my salary (it’s an upper limit )
    I guess this is what your pesky “progressives” are fighting for , the ones who most commenters are telling to shut up and sit down in order not to screw up the political situation by demanding the impossible
    It’s getting late and I won’t check if someone is writing an answer to my rude comment but I guess someone will start ranting about our taxes claiming the average “herr och fru Svensson” are paying a ridiculous percentage in tax but not understanding what we get for the money.
    Not even Mr Drum has succeeded in figuring out how the Swedish system works.
    …and some more right leaning person are going to talk about race , someone usually do not understanding that the United States of America cannot match us on diversity
    Have a nice day my friends

    1. Salamander

      It's good to hear from the civilized world every now and then. It does look better than the US version of the "free" world.

    2. Jerry O'Brien

      Hang on. Can you get replacement lenses in your eyes for low cost to you, when you don't have cataracts, and you just want to have better vision without glasses or contacts? That's why Kevin had to pay the big money.

      1. Jasper_in_Boston

        Can you get replacement lenses in your eyes for low cost to you, when you don't have cataracts, and you just want to have better vision without glasses or contacts?

        He reports only the positive things about Sweden, so, you're unlikely to hear about the country's antediluvian policies regarding sexual harassment, say, or its surging gun violence. But then again, by his own admission he's a troll.

        1. sturestahle

          Hi , are you still there?
          I have never commented on gun violence or sexual harassment in Sweden on this page because it has never been the topic
          (It’s a little weird of an American to bash Sweden on gun violence)
          Your comment is interesting. It tells a lot about the skills of Russian internet trolls.
          We in the western world are dumbfounded over older Russians inability to see through Putin’s propaganda on the war in Ukraine but some of the disinformation Russian trolls has flooded Internet with in order to destabilize the western world has turned into truths even among fairly sane persons.
          In short, during the latest refugee crisis did the trolls demonize Muslim refugees from the Middle East much focusing on Sweden since we was the number one receivers per capita. Favorite story was that Swedish woman didn’t dare to leave their homes because if they did was they gang raped by Muslims
          That’s of course bullshit but someone like you are happily acting as Putin’s useful idiot still spreading the story simply because I have highlighted flaws in your nonfunctional political system and it sets you off…
          Sexual crimes are impossible to compare from one country to another due to differences in laws and the tradition of reporting sexual crimes to law agencies.
          Jordan has very few sexual crimes…but the fact that a rapist won’t be charged if he marries the victim makes women reluctant to report.
          Sweden has changed the laws on sexual crimes four times since 2006 and we are now having the toughest laws on this planet and women are reporting. Sexual crimes are not up but we are finally stating to handle the problem
          Have a nice day

  3. golack

    It's good you had a back up card.

    Do you have any recurring payments going to that card? If so, maybe pay a little off now to open up some space between the limit and the charges to make room for utility bills, subscriptions, etc.

  4. ddoubleday

    "At least I'm not in danger of my house being bombed into rubble by a deranged Russian dictator"

    Famous Last Words

  5. kenalovell

    My bank sends me a courteous text message if I accidentally exceed my credit card limit. I don't know how far over I'd have to go to have a transaction declined. It's never happened.

    1. mostlystenographicmedia

      Mine allows for various notifications to be set up on the account page. After a fraudulent Airbnb showed up on my account (resolved), I signed up for many of them. Now I get notified if a single expense exceeds my set limit, if the monthly balance approaches my set limit, and if a purchase is made without the physical card present (all would have alerted me to the fraudulent Airbnb charge).

  6. pjcamp1905

    I once tried to pay a restaurant bill when we were out of town visiting my in laws and payment was denied. After spending about an hour on the phone with Citibank, getting routed from supervisor to supervisor, I learned that, at the time, Citi routinely denied all payments outside your home area unless you made arrangements with them in advance including a specific range of dates.

    I'm no longer a Citi customer.

  7. James Bowater

    At least I'm not in danger of my house being bombed into rubble by a deranged Russian dictator, yet . 😉

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