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No more mail for Tesla in Sweden

Tesla workers in Sweden are on strike because Tesla refuses to recognize their union. That's bad for Tesla, but things can get worse:

If Tesla is still balking on a deal by November 20, postal workers will stop delivering letters and packages addressed to the company.

Seriously? If the Swedish postal service disapproves of you they can stop delivering your mail? Damn.

27 thoughts on “No more mail for Tesla in Sweden

  1. Brett

    They basically did something similar for Toys R Us when they came to town (they last three months), and in Denmark McDonald's got the same treatment when they tried to refuse the collective bargaining agreement.

    1. Rattus Norvegicus

      My friends who live in Sweden despise PostNord. To hear them describe the service it is the worst thing ever. But it is expensive, slow, and unreliable. What else could you ask for from a private company?

      1. jte21

        IIRC, this postal privatisation thing started back in the 90s in Holland. And of course it took what was a solid, reliable state postal system (albeit with a lot of legacy costs) and threw it down the shitter.

        That's why GOP attempts to ratfuck the USPS piss me off so much. If people only knew what it was like to live in a country where you have to rely on a profit-seeking entity to get your mail. Or maybe not get it. Depending on if they like you.

        1. Adam Strange

          This terrible service might be due more to their being a monopoly rather than their being capitalist.

          Witness AT&T. Or Comcast. Or any other capitalist monopoly which behaves exactly as if it hates its customers and delights in their misery.

          Maybe these organizations don't hate their customers, but their behavior is indistinguishable from an organization that does.

          I have no idea why the US Postal Service operates so well.

          1. Joseph Harbin

            “This terrible service might be due more to their being a monopoly rather than their being capitalist.

            Witness AT&T.“

            AT&T is not a monopoly. Not in the lion’s share of the businesses it runs. Any complaints about bad customer service should be directed at bad management and its inability to compete in the marketplace in recent years. That’s especially true since the 2005 buyout by SBC.

            AT&T, aka Ma Bell, was a regulated monopoly until 1984. Once the largest company around, it was bureaucratic, slow to bring new products to market, and relatively pricey. But it was not known for “terrible service.” Just the opposite. In many respects, it was the most public service-oriented company on the planet.

            1. Special Newb

              Same with streaming. Things were better when you could subscribe to Netflix and have everything. Now everyone has a service so you have to run around subbing and unsubbing. Netflix could double their prices and it would still be cheaper.

              Not all monopolies are bad.

      1. Altoid

        That's right, and my bad. Of course it'll be the carriers respecting picket lines rather than anything farther up the mail-handling chain, and there are international postal conventions that have to be observed up to that point.

      2. kaleberg

        That's exactly what's happening. The "postal workers" are refusing to cross a picket line. Corporations show solidarity all the time. Why shouldn't workers in unions? Corporations and unions are both government chartered collectives. Unions just fell out of fashion.

  2. Adam Strange

    I think that Franklin set up the US Postal Service and made it a federal crime to open first class mail so that future revolutionaries would have a way to safely communicate and coordinate their activities, should it become necessary in the future to overthrow the government again. As he did.

    Other countries don't share this history, and so might operate on completely different rules.

  3. ruralhobo

    A downside of EU-imposed privatization I hadn't thought of. Damn the days when the bureaucrats in Brussels were all "serious people" meaning they sneered at anyone who believed in public service. Today in Amsterdam - not the smallest village in Holland - I have to ask around to find shops that sell stamps. I speak the language, but I wonder how someone who doesn't, and also doesn't speak English, manages to send a letter home. In France where I live the railroads go on strike as much as before, and "privatization" didn't mean services wouldn't cost public money, just that it'd be in the form of subsidies. But most of all Europe didn't recover from the 2007 financial crash as well as the US did because it didn't throw Milton Friedman under the bus like Obama did.

    And there's nothing democratic about it, everybody here hates it.

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  5. KJK

    Mail delivery is an essential service. So as much as I despise Elmo, I would still want him to be able to receive his mail, especially the hate mail, and any boxes filled with dog excrement.

  6. Pingback: No more mail for Tesla in Sweden - Kevin Drum - Tesla News

  7. shapeofsociety

    Scandinavian unions do not fuck around and they back each other up. Years ago, McDonald's tried to keep its operations in a Scandinavian country non-union, and all the unions banded together to refuse McD's any supplies or services whatsoever. The company caved within a week.

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