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Obamacare keeps on getting more popular

I've been wondering for a while how Obamacare is doing, and KFF has finally produced new favorable/unfavorable numbers from its tracking poll:

Favorability is up among Democrats and Independents, but after years of rising it's down among Republicans—from 33% last April to 28% now:

That 64% overall approval number is close the level that would make Obamacare politically untouchable. But not quite. There's still some danger that Trump and congressional Republicans could do it some damage this year.

10 thoughts on “Obamacare keeps on getting more popular

  1. Jasper_in_Boston

    I wonder how Republicans would respond to a poll that doesn’t use the word “Obamacare,” but simply asks about such provisions as guaranteed issue, community rating, etc.

    And I agree, there’s a very decent possibility this Congress could weaken Obamacare.

    1. FrankM

      Is that a rhetorical question? I'm pretty sure we both know the answer to that. Everything Republicans want to do polls badly. It's why they have to resort to culture war issues to get anyone to vote for them.

  2. MikeTheMathGuy

    Exactly what I predicted when the ACA first passed!

    Of course, I predicted that it would happen by 2014. (Better late than never?)

      1. KJK

        If they can stuff an ACA damaging provision into a bill being passed under "Reconciliation", it only needs a majority in the Senate to pass (after the House passes it and assuming that Orange Jesus signs using his fat orange fingers).

        I believe that Senator McCain's vote against the so called "skinny" ACA repeal bill in 2017 was done under Reconciliation, since it failed 51-49

        1. Josef

          But why would the Democrats do that? To make people hate Trump for losing their health insurance? Don't they know Trump will never take the blame for it and his cult won't either. Everyone will blame the Democrats.

  3. Josef

    But wait till Trump reveals his concept of a plan to replace the ACA. Well first there's the concept of a concept of a concept of a plan. By the time 2028 comes around we might be up to the concept of a plan. Maybe. It'll be the bestiest, goodiest, and cheepiest health care law ever!

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