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Old man Trump falls asleep during criminal trial

Um, what?

Luckily for Trump, I guess there are no pictures. Can you imagine the storm of posts he'd be writing if Joe Biden had done this? Hell, there was a storm of posts when Joe Biden didn't do this but a few carefully selected pictures made it look like he had.

17 thoughts on “Old man Trump falls asleep during criminal trial

  1. cld

    Wingnuts are going to claim this shows how relaxed and confident he is.

    That or they made him drink a special energy giving Trump nog just before he went in there to keep him from spazzing out completely.

  2. Dana Decker

    Trump is shrewdly demonstrating to his followers that he sure as hell ain't woke.

    And, for those worried about a president being able to take that critical 3 AM phone call, it's got to be someone who is rested. Well rested. Rested like nobody's ever seen before.

    Tomorrow, I'm hoping that Trump brings a Mike Lindell My Pillow with him into the courtroom.

  3. different_name

    Has anyone seen Donny's neck? It has seemingly been absent in the last several pictures I've seen of him.

    And his current, ah, hairdo is looking pretty Flock of Seagulls. Not sure it works that well, but probably plays OK in megachurches, I guess.

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