Last night at the Republican debate Martha MacCallum asked: "Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change? Raise your hand if you do."
No one raised their hand. Luckily for all of them, Ron DeSantis immediately interrupted to pretend he was offended by the whole "raise your hand" trope, which got everyone off the hook.
In the end, the only candidate who admitted climate change was real was Nikki Haley, who immediately made it clear she didn't actually want to do anything about it:
If you go want to go and really change the environment, then we need to start telling China and India that they have to lower their emissions.
Real profiles in courage up on that stage.
You were expecting a fall on your sword competition?
I watched some of it but couldn't take more than a little.
It's all nonsense. I could get behind fiscal responsibility but where is it over there? Climate change, health care, all of the investigations, no concern about Trump and his family, and still kissing the MFer's ring, jeez. Even Christie didn't go nearly far enough.
I'm not a huge fan of the D's either, but at least they don't sound crazy to me on almost every issue.
At this late date, it seems highly unlikely that significant climate change will occur. I do t know if it ends up being catastrophic or merely annoying, but there is just no way, given this sort of opposition, that it can be stopped or even slowed. Adapt and evolve.
Ugh. Won’t occur. Need my edit function.
I took your comment to mean that changing the climate for the better (through green initiatives or whatever) is not likely to occur.
You know, a follow-up question to Haley should have been: If climate change is real, will you commit to federal climate change mitigation projects including raising sea barriers to protect New Orleans?
You gotta nudge these folks out of their conservative ambiguity in the face of reality.
Or even for instance the South Carolina coast.
Maybe their solution is to stick their head in the sand.
Her (obvious) reply: "NO! We need to wait until China has decarbonized 100% before the United States needs to do anything! And we might even wait until the whole rest of the world decarbonizes! Profits! Shareholder value! Low taxes! Government is BAD! Also feckless!
Is it racist to say that the non-white people have to stay in poverty, or just jingoism?
Thank your lucky stars that your parents did not name you Harry. My late wife had a classmate with that name. 8th grade Hilarity exploded.
What's wrong with some parents?!?
This is what happens when a scientific question is treated as a culture war question by culture warriors.
According to NASA, 97% of climate scientists attribute climate change to human behavior. Republican confidence in scientific findings, according to Gallup, dropped from 72% to 45% since 1975. Currently, 75% of GOP members prioritize the economy over addressing climate change.
It's not that the GOP is completely made up of climate change denialists, but it doesn't have to be to assure unanimity on the wrong side of the issue among presidential contenders.
I love that the people who created most of the carbon emissions for 150 years and built up the most luxurious energy-intensive lifestyle in human history are now telling latecomers China and India that they have to solve the climate problem by keeping their people at the poverty level.
Yet again, I miss the "Like" button.
Didn't they all raise their hands later when asked if they'd vote for Trump?
While morally bad (in my opinion), the GOP political point of view on global warming, is closer to the polling than many Democrats want to admit. Yes, lots of Americans believe in global warming. However, when you ask how much money Americans are willing to sacrifice for global warming, the answer is shockingly low.
Further, anyone who does not think fighting global warming will require sacrifice, I remind you of this: the US is 12% of global emissions. The so called 'third' world is near 50% of current emissions. How are poor countries going to purchase green energy without a lot of global financial transfers?