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Pro-choice Democrat wins big in Alabama special election

A Democrat won a landslide victory in an Alabama state legislature race tonight:

It's worth noting that the Republican, Teddy Powell, was not some kind of wild-eyed MAGA candidate who was doomed from the start in a swing district. He's a relatively moderate, technocratic guy. But the Democrat, Marilyn Lands, ran exclusively on IVF and reproductive rights and just killed him.

I wonder if Republicans rue the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned? I suppose not yet. But eventually they probably will. Banning abortion isn't popular even in Alabama, and it's going to continue killing Republican candidates as long they're forced to toe the hardline pro-life position.

21 thoughts on “Pro-choice Democrat wins big in Alabama special election

  1. Altoid

    Further context: this is a district that went for trump in 2020. It's Huntsville, university and NASA town, so only by 1% per WaPo, but even so . . .

    They won't rue Dobbs. This kind of result will only get them more focused on voter suppression and especially judge- and court-shopping and pressuring the Leonard Leo court.

  2. D_Ohrk_E1

    Hopefully Ronna's resignation will accelerate the exodus of dollars from the RNC into Trump's de facto legal fund aka his campaign. This way, their candidates and state offices will all be sucking for air, unable to get their ground game going and unable to use advertising to lie about their positions on IVF and abortion.

  3. stilesroasters

    Roe v wade was like a judicial filibuster on abortion law. With its removal, the people have likewise become engaged on the topic, and political system has gotten suddenly responsive.

  4. Chip Daniels

    As David Frum observed, when democracy signals to Republicans that their positions are unpopular, they decide that it is democracy that has to go.

  5. different_name

    This is why I'm not freaking out about the presidential election.

    If Dems can recall where their spines are and stuff the mouthy centrist spoilers in a closet for the duration, Biden should win by a comfortable margin on abortion alone. Add in that he's actually doing a good job and Donnie is reminding people who he is.

    Not saying be sanguine, and the authoritarian shitbags have a lot of money and confused people. Just saying those are eminently stompable, and we should be stomping with great enthusiasm.

        1. KinersKorner

          I would say the same and I am on your side. “defund the police” ring a bell? How bout “Bail reform, aka no Bail”? That’s what lost us the house.

        2. typhoon

          I am strongly on your side. But, I’d like to think I’m realistic enough to know the election hinges on the middle 20% of the electorate….Trump and MAGA scares that 20%, and we need to show that 20% that we are problem-solvers and not another bunch of extremists.

  6. DaBunny

    The context is that even the reddest states have blue & purple dots. This is one of those.

    Abortion is a great issue for Democrats. But it's not a panacea. Which is why the Rs now hold the House.

      1. KenSchulz

        When they should have picked up 30 or more seats by historical trend for the 'out' party in the middle of a first Presidential term.

  7. ConradsGhost

    " long they're forced to toe the hardline pro-life position."

    Which says to me that anyone with the wherewithal should be doing everything possible to make sure this is the case. Would love to see some baiting and psych-ing on the national level - any level - from Dems and allies. Push these retard's f***ing buttons. They have only one setting - react. So - goad them into default mode, over and over until 11/4. Go for the jugular, just once. Not like there's anything important on the line or anything.....

  8. mudwall jackson

    republicans are all about grievances, not solutions. which is why they rejected the recent border bill and why they'll never come up with a comprehensive solution to the problem even if they are in position to do so. same with roe.

  9. Doctor Jay

    Here's some talking points for the next election:

    * Republicans don't solve problems. For instance, immigration.
    * Republicans want to outlaw IVF, along with abortion, including the abortion pill.

  10. kennethalmquist

    > I wonder if Republicans rue the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned?

    The Republican Party playbook looks a lot like a con job:
    1) Promise voters whatever (end abortion, build the wall).
    2) Get elected.
    3) Cut taxes on the rich.

    The Republicans who just wanted to cut taxes on the top 1% but needed the votes of the religious right never wanted to see Roe v. Wade overturned. They wanted it to remain in place so Republicans could win votes by attacking abortion without having to actually do much about it.

    One the other hand, a lot of Republicans on the religious right really do want to ban abortion. For them, overturning Roe v. Wade is a step in the right direction regardless of how it affects Republican electoral prospects.

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