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Quote of the day: If phone companies obey subpoenas, Republicans will take revenge

From Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, responding to potential Democratic subpoenas of phone records from January 6:

If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If companies still choose to violate federal law, a Republican majority will not forget and will stand with Americans to hold them fully accountable under the law.

The Washington Post notes dryly that "it is not clear" what law McCarthy is talking about, since warrants and subpoenas for phone records are issued tens of thousands of times every year. McCarthy himself, of course, remained silent on the matter since he knows perfectly well that he's just blowing smoke. This is why he resorted to simply telling telecom companies that if they obey lawful subpoenas Republicans will take revenge on them as soon as they can.

Republicans must truly be scared shitless of what we'll find if we investigate phone and text records of their communications during the insurrection of January 6. This is, once again, banana republic territory that Republicans are threatening to lead us into.

25 thoughts on “Quote of the day: If phone companies obey subpoenas, Republicans will take revenge

    1. Mitch Guthman

      Unless you think a huge number of Republicans are going to resign and head over to a convient BOP facility to voluntarily imprison themselves, McCarthy is still the odds on favorite to be the Speaker of the House in 2023. It’s pretty clear that whatever the Democrats in Congress are able to learn about ⅙ they don’t intend to do anything about it and neither does the Biden administration.

      It’s now September and the Democrats have done exactly nothing to prevent a repeat of ⅙ and even less to prevent gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation, and outright fraud (via the access gained during “audits”). The DOJ has devoted huge resources to identifying and maybe convicting low-level crazies and grunts in the Republican Party’s armed militias but there’s been absolutely no indication of any interest in the leadership of the American Taliban.

  1. Jimm

    I've been a little ambivalent about the whole Jan 6 inquiry (thought it was good, but not essential), but clearly we need to take a deep dive into this now, especially with all the growing talk on the internet amongst the right about a 2nd American Civil War, and even with Congress members now talking about bloodshed and taking up arms against fellow Americans.

    1. Spadesofgrey

      Lol, a 2nd civil war alright. One, that mass genocide against them including using nuclear weapons sounds good. The war would be over quickly and the U.S. dissolved.

    2. Spadesofgrey

      There is nothing to dig deeper. Pro-Trump psyops run out of Russia like the Proud Boys and Oatkeepers infiltrated a mainstream Republican proDrumpf rally because he lost a few states close states that could have swung the electoral college. They were told counter protesters in the 1000's were going to show up. They were then told these protesters and them would trade gunfire and explosive devices outside the capital doors.

      But when the counter protesters never showed up, they were left confused and disorganized. Hatched quickly a new plan to storm the capital looking for hostages. Of course it flopped. There were only 40-50 real insurrection covert operatives that had any weapons or devices. The rest of the group were stragglers following the operatives.

      Why: 1. Russia/Trump Organization thought this was the way to go is desperation. 2nd, what happened to the counter protesters???? I have a feeling, I know that answer. Most of this is driven by globalist con jobs. Groups within groups. Creating dialectical conflict. Once you realize that, you realize it's all a sham.

  2. The Fake Fake Al

    Not to mention the hearings are a little boring until McCarthy's threats, now I wanna see what's in those phone logs.

  3. haddockbranzini

    Probably more scared of their OnlyFans histories being revealed than anything else. McCarthy could have proof on his phone that her personally organized the whole thing and nothing would happen to him.

    1. D_Ohrk_E1

      Nah. He premised the threat with, "If companies still choose to violate federal law".

      There are two parts to this:

      1. As pointed out, there is no law being broken here so it's not actionable. This bluster was meant to appeal to the base and little else.
      2. The threat is pretty vanilla stuff akin to a PSA telling you that if you do the crime, you'll be doing time.

  4. Heysus

    What is it about the repulsives that they want to throw revenge at everyone and everything that doesn't agree with them or do what they want. IE. Santis in Florida with masks and schools. These smoke screens are getting very old. I only wish that these folks(fools) blowing the smoke would simply catch a large case of Covid and be gone, permanently.

  5. Justin

    Republicans are the enemy. There is no way to imagine some reasonable coexistence. If you want them to get vaccinated, they will shoot you. If your local school board wants the kids to wear masks, they will forcibly remove the members.

    Pretending some sort of normal is possible misses the warning signs. And the pollsters say the terrorists will take control of congress in 2023. So what does that tell you? This country is doomed.

    They are going to oppress their political opponents just like the Chinese government does today.

      1. Spadesofgrey

        Please, start a fight. When their women are being raped, children's neck snapped. Whole towns exterminated. They may seek a different approach.

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