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Raw data: About one-third of illegal immigrants are deported

Apropos of nothing in particular, here's a summary of how many people were deported in 2023 following a hearing in immigration court:

Nicaraguans are packed off nearly two-thirds of the time. Cubans are nearly never sent away. Overall, about a third of immigrants who get hearings are deported.

The balance of hearing outcomes fall mainly into three categories: (a) relief granted, an affirmative decision to allow someone to stay, (b) proceedings terminated, a dismissal of the government's case that implicitly allows a person to stay, or (c) "Notice to Appear" not filed, which is basically an administrative error that's become increasingly common. Other outcomes amount to about 14% of all cases.

3 thoughts on “Raw data: About one-third of illegal immigrants are deported

  1. Yikes

    I mean, where does one start in again pointing out how ridiculous Repubs are:

    1. I would say that if factually, 2/3 of people who make it, legally through the byzantine asylum process are admitted. --------- Well, that's not really an argument for a massive wall, is it?

    2. Note how it appears ("appears" mind you) that we are still applying Cold War rules. I cannot imagine, other than coming from Cuba, why Cuban's are more deserving of asylum that Nicaraguans. But you see, fleeing Cuba has already been presumptively "approved." Makes you wonder what the F these percentages are actually based on, eh?

    1. Gilgit

      I assume Cubans are still allowed because many vote Republican.

      It's sad that so many of them then turn around and think other immigrants fleeing from other repressive/social countries should be turned away.

  2. Gilgit

    I assume this is all immigration cases. So it includes asylum and regular immigration hearings? What percentage are asylum cases?

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