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13 thoughts on “Raw data: Auto travel per person

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    I think you meant to say, "work from home appears to have accelerated the downward trend of VMT per capita, despite a partial recovery from 2020's shutdowns."

    BTW, you can see the WFH effect in public transit data via Trimet (Portland Metro) annual trips.

    1. skeptonomist

      To read the papers you would think that commuting had crashed because of WFH, but there has been very little reduction in total miles. WFH only affected a fraction of office workers. Most people still have to show up on the job.

      Why did miles increase so much from 1980 to 2004? Where has everybody been going? And are basically still going.

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  2. E-6

    I used to travel for work a lot in the mid-to-late 90s up through 2005. Since then, it’s gone down to the point where now, it’s maybe once every 2 years. That’s just b/c of my job changes though. Also, I fly less for personal trips now. But that is primarily my choice, because to me flying is a hassle. (Plus, since 2020, there’s no way I’ll voluntarily sit in a sealed tube with maskless unvaccinated f*cks when COVID is circulating, so there’s that.)

  3. Austin

    Could it be that the population has grown faster than we’re adding new infrastructure in most metro areas, due to the animosity we increasingly have towards raising any taxes for anything? So the existing infrastructure gets more congested, yet the number of hours people are willing to spend behind the wheel has probably remained relatively fixed (since people still have other things to do besides drive and their days haven’t gotten any longer)… so in turn, people are getting fewer miles per hour of driving than they did in the past, even if the total amount of time behind the wheel hasn’t actually changed?

  4. rosofi5943

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