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Raw data: Childcare after the pandemic

According to the Census Bureau's latest estimate, total revenue for childcare establishments increased 6.1% in the second quarter of the year. Not bad. Here's a long-term look at childcare adjusted for the population of 0-4 year-olds:

Childcare seems to be doing nicely even after the pandemic subsidies went away. However, families are paying a price: over the past three years the cost of childcare has gone up 7% more than overall inflation.

6 thoughts on “Raw data: Childcare after the pandemic

    1. FrankM

      Even if there were rivers of tariff gold, you can bet the money wouldn't find its way to paying for childcare for the hoi polloi. Can you guess where the money would go? I knew you could.

  1. Jimm

    The real (hugest) provider of childcare in this country is our public and private schools, as became so evidently more clear during the pandemic.

  2. bouncing_b

    Probably about time for private equity to move in and start buying childcare providers. They’ll introduce “efficiencies”, primarily getting the workers to work more for less, and the partners will make a killing.

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