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Raw data: Homicides in Springfield

Here is the number of murders each year in Springfield, Ohio, both before and after the large-scale arrival of Haitian immigrants:

Daniel Driscoll, the Republican top prosecutor in Clark County, adds this:

During the time that I’ve been with the prosecutor’s office, which is 21 years now, we have not had any murders involving the Haitian community — as either the victims or as the perpetrators of those murders.

Springfield has seen a recent increase in the rate of aggravated assault, but it's a statistical artifact caused by the Springfield police department changing its definition of the term.

16 thoughts on “Raw data: Homicides in Springfield

  1. Austin

    Again, Kevin is bringing data to a mudfight. Nobody considering voting for Trump is going to be swayed by numbers. All the people that embrace actual facts already favor Harris. There's no point to doing all the work necessary to refute anything Trump says - just keep repeating that Trump is a lying, idiotic, spoiled brat and convicted felon in response to everything he and his odious running mate says. People who want Harris to win should devote all their resources to turning out Democratic voters and discouraging Republican voters from voting at all.

    1. Joseph Harbin

      Sanewashing is a thing. So is going down rabbit holes that just waste time.

      This is different. This is a fact-check on the bullshit coming straight from the GOP ticket. When JD says murders are up 81% after the Haitians arrived in Springfield (a charge far more serious than eating cats and dogs), it's helpful to know the facts.

  2. bbleh

    Dude. There is NO THERE THERE. No murders, no crime spikes, no pet-eating, no nothing. The REPUBLICAN Mayor says so. The REPUBLICAN Governor says so.

    This is 100% white-supremacist RACE PANIC, which is endemic to the Republican Party, which its present nominees and its national campaign organizations and affiliated PACs are promoting with every bit of energy they have, and which has NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY in Springfield, Ohio.

    And their cultists are all-in with it. And the Good Germans Republicans are a little put off by the crudity of it but are okay with it because it'll get people elected who will make the trains run on time cut taxes and will deal with the Jewish immigrant problem. And NONE of them care about Springfield, Ohio any more than their nominees do, because it's all about a "deeper truth."

    And THAT is the state of the contemporary Republican Party.

    1. memyselfandi

      "This is 100% white-supremacist RACE PANIC," That's not entirely true. There are real problems associated with the massive amount of success Springfield is encountering. Schools are more crowded. Roads are far more crowded. Grocery stores are more crowded. Rents are up. (Not nearly as much as average or typical wages, but a minority haven;t seen there wages go up and they are hurting.) Some of the long term residents haven;t benefited from the success and thus are loosing out with the higher levels of competition, or have stayed the same while every one else has prospered. Obviously, every city official would rather deal with the problems of success than the previous 60 years of unremitting failure. But that in itself makes the minority of people not benefiting even more unhappy.

  3. Altoid

    Remember the Magic X-Ray Glasses in the back pages of comic books? What's going on here is sort of like them-- you need Mystic Cynic Specs to see the play. It's all for the Fox- and OAN-watching small-towners, rural folks, even in cities, who are made uneasy by the stories they're seeing on their TVs. Anyone who knows anything about Springfield as it is just isn't a target, let alone anyone who actually lives there.

    What the Mystic Specs reveal is that for this target audience, Springfield is "MyTown USA," the place *they* live that could be just like those places they see on TV, just like the Springfield of Vance's imagination (read: of his knowing lies), if Those People aren't stopped. And yeah he's kind of creepy, but he's so completely self-assured and confident and speaks so loud, just like trump.

    And what are these two guys telling us? They're saying they'll do anything, stop at nothing, pull out all the stops, bring in all the cops, to protect MyTown USA from the scary Them just itching to swarm all over MyTown. Sure, these guys are a little creepy and nasty-- but *that's what makes them believable* as the guys who'll protect MyTown from the dangerous hordes out there.

    The Mystic Cynic Specs reveal all-- they show that creepitude is strong, ghoulishness is good, in the cartoonish, pro wrestling world of the trump-Vance campaign. Where nothing is about the real world that people live in, and everything is about the world of make-believe.

    1. Vog46

      "Remember the Magic X-Ray Glasses in the back pages of comic books?"
      Damn straight
      And Charles Atlas 30 day wonder workout - guar-unteed to turn you into a muscle man capable of kicking sand in those Haitian faces !!!

      Bring back them good 'ol days!!!!!!

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    Using the FBI's UCR data, Springfield appears to have had an increase in violent crimes in 2022 and 2023, primarily violent assaults but also rape.

    Property crimes, however, have continued a downward trend. FWIW, if there were an issue of people eating pets, it would have been categorized under property crimes.

  5. FrankM

    Do you mean to tell me that the things they're saying about Haitians in Springfield aren't true? Goodness gracious. What is the world coming to?

    1. mcirvin14

      Do you know what “sanewashing” even means? Kevin’s post is not that. Stop cluttering the comments with anti-Drum contrarianism for Pete’s sake.

      1. cmayo

        I know what it means. Do you? Because this is yet another example, even if it's not as clearcut as the previous.

        Giving airtime to bullshit normalizes it. We shouldn't be factchecking bullshit, we should be treating it as the infantile "argument" that it is.

        I think a lot of comments here are clutter, and there are some people who are frequently wildly off topic. I don't complain about it. Take your entitlement stick out of your ass.

  6. mudwall jackson

    i've lived in a predominantly haitian neighborhood for more than 30 years. here's a complete list of problems i've had with my neighbors in order by severity: .

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