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12 thoughts on “Raw data: Joe Biden has all but ended US drone warfare

  1. rick_jones

    Indeed, a process which appears to have started in 2020. I have to wonder how much of the "droning" was being done in Afghanistan.

    Looks like "peak drone" took place in the last year of Obama's presidency. And he managed to squeak-out a "win" in terms of average strikes per year at 4682 to Trump's 4660.

  2. James B. Shearer

    What's the deal with chopping off the bars for 2015, 2016 and 2017? This is a very misleading graph.

    1. rick_jones

      Probably wanted to “see” the 36, and wasn’t willing to go logarithmic on the y-axis. Although a unclipped linear y-axis would have been more dramatic.

  3. chester

    This would appear to be awful news for those with drone manufacturer stock.
    Sorry, folks. Maybe go short on climate futures to recover? Looks like a safe investment.

    1. HokieAnnie

      Actually Taiwan is ramping up their drone manufacturing and Turkey is making a killing selling drones to Russia and Ukraine. Sadly war will always be with us in one form or another.

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