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13 thoughts on “Raw data: The price of gasoline:

  1. bbleh

    Utterly irrelevant to Republicans, alas.

    Many of them -- probably a plurality -- will say "oh I don't believe that," possibly along with some nonsense like "big gummint cooking the books" or "oh you can prove anything with statistics."

    And almost inevitably they will say "but it was lower under Trump," which may or may not be true depending on place and time and whether you're talking about average or one cherry-picked moment. (And of course they routintely ignore that it was lower under Obama than it EVER was under Trump.) And they'll often add " I remember when it was [absurdly low number]!" as though that proves anything.

    They WANT to believe. And "none are so blind as those who will not see."

    I know we're not supposed to call them stupid, but damn ...

  2. barry bear

    MEOOOOOW...The convicted felon whore monger says gas prices are Joe's fault...a big thanks MEOOOOOW to Joe...Kitties know.

    1. Crissa

      Holy crap, it's 4.55 here.

      Geez, I haven't gassed up in a month tho.

      I mostly ride my motorcycle which is about 2-3¢ per mile... ~<10 miles per kilowatt.

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