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Raw data: Threats against Congress

Since 2016 the number of threats against members of Congress has increased nearly 1,000%. However, it declined last year:

Threat levels are still historically high but are down 22% from their peak in 2021. Is this good news? Maybe the lunatic fringe is finally calming down slightly?

8 thoughts on “Raw data: Threats against Congress

  1. Adam Strange

    "Maybe the lunatic fringe is finally calming down slightly?"

    Alternately, maybe they are busy with firearms training.

  2. lawnorder

    Do you suppose the Congresspeople just got tired of reporting them? The peak looks like about seventeen or eighteen threats per Congressperson per year. When the average is one threat every three weeks and the seriously unpopular Congresspeople are likely getting four or five times that many, and almost nothing is done about it, they may have just quit reporting.

    With nearly ten thousand threats per year, a serious investigation effort should see at least a thousand charges a year, and I have the impression that the number of charges doesn't come anywhere close to that.

  3. D_Ohrk_E1

    Abigail Jo Shry's trial started today w/ jury selection, according to Newsweek. I suppose the main reason for the decline is that a large number of folks who dared to act or make serious threats, have been pursued with legal action. This either resulted in their imprisonment and/or probation with an epiphany that they were suckered into doing Trump's bidding. Over time, as more of these folks get caught and sent to prison, their numbers dwindle.

  4. Yehouda

    This is the number of threat investigations, not of threats.
    The number of threats may be much larger, and it is not obvious how well it correlates to the number of investigations.

  5. Wichitawstraw

    As always left wing radicalism in tiny and would invisible if not amplified by right wing media. Right wing radicalism is made up of Senators, Presidents, CEO's, Cardinals, and hedge fund owners.

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