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Raw data: University enrollment by race

In the year after the Supreme Court banned affirmative action at universities, Black enrollment has plummeted at elite universities:

This data comes from a tracker run by Education Reform Now. It includes whatever universities have reported enrollment data so far, so it will change over time.

So how did this affect white enrollment? Precisely not at all:

Hispanic enrollment is down moderately and Asian enrollment is up moderately:

NOTE: The averages aren't weighted by enrollment size. They should be, and maybe I'll work up the energy to do that someday. However, that day is not today.

13 thoughts on “Raw data: University enrollment by race

  1. Yikes

    It doesn't have to be weighted by enrollment size, since the position of conservatives is that affirmative action is an unearned benefit to the undeserving.

    If there was one affirmative action African American and after this rule it went down to zero, for a 100% drop in African American enrollment, conservatives would be fine with it.

    Since AA programs are aimed at, by definition, minorities in terms of percentage of enrollments, this chart shows exactly what one would expect.

  2. dilbert dogbert

    My Branch Chief at NASA went to a conference at UC Biserkely back in the early 1980's. He told me that he had a conversation with one of the engineering administers. He was told the entire freshman class could be filled with straight A and A+ applicants from Asia or Asian Americans.

    1. jambo

      I was talking to the admissions director at the Claremont colleges in 2018 when I took my daughters there on a prospective college tour. I was looking for some insights and started, “I know you could fill your incoming class solely with students with 4.0s and perfect SATs…” when he interrupted me to say, “I could do that just with kids from China.”

  3. lower-case

    now we need a lawsuit eliminating the preference for men who have lower grades/sat's than women

    hahahahaha! i kid, never happen

      1. J. Frank Parnell

        The general feeling among the universities is that that in order to attract the best women it’s useful to have men around, even if they are not quite up to the same standards as the women.

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    As I recall, you once insisted that the scale of Y-axis should be the same across charts that are meant to be compared and contrasted between them.

      1. LactatingAlgore

        their cooptation of tiger cub asian students to push a whiterights agenda backfired.

        it's the outcome of the altright's dreamt of race war in miniature. they'll be forced to go hat in hand to the yakuza to beg assistance in defeating the combined forces of ms13 & sinaloa cartel, et. al., & thus owned by the yakuza if they win.

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