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Raw Data: Vaccine Performance in the US by Region

Here's a chart from the Kaiser Family Foundation showing the vaccine performance of each state. I've drawn the ovals to show roughly where each region is clustered:

The best performance has been in the Northeast, which has vaccinated about 65% of its population. The worst is in the South, which is in the 45-50% range. The West and the Midwest are somewhere in between.

42 thoughts on “Raw Data: Vaccine Performance in the US by Region

  1. jte21

    At first glance, I thought the correlation might be more urbanized NE states that got clobbered by Covid early on and where people know it was no joke, vs. more rural states where you can still pretend it never got as bad as it did. But I think the better explanation is educational attainment. The green group in the top right have the highest rates of college education and thus vaccination. The bottom left red group, well, not so much. This is what happens when a community's source of information and judgment comes from Fox and Facebook.

    1. Midgard

      Well yes. Delaware County is the most vaccinated part of Ohio, went for Trump in the election and is the most educated county in the state.

    1. Yikes

      Well, we all have our biases.

      However, I don't quite get why what I would call the "second axis" was chosen as "daily rate.'

      Either vaccines are equally obtainable or they aren't. It seems that they are, otherwise there might be a wild swing, where, for example a smaller state had higher total percentage but a lower daily rate.

      This chart has states with a lower rate correlated with a lower percentage, and a higher rate with a higher percentage.

      A chart which would be interesting, since the vaccine is free, would be some way to indicate availability. In CA everyone was not eligible at first, although my take was that they were vaccinating people as fast as they could.

      If a state has both lower percentage and high availability then you are really only down to some weird anti vax reason.

  2. Midgard

    White Southerners and White Midwesterners are vaccinating at the same clip. The Black man???? Uggghh.

  3. Joseph Harbin

    Another way to look at it.

    19 of 19 states in the NE quadrant voted for Biden.
    15 of 18 states in the SW quadrant voted for Trump.

        1. Midgard

          Yes it does. White's are vaccinating more than blacks. People with 4 year degrees are vaccinating at a higher clip than non-degrees. Educate yourself and grow.

          1. Joseph Harbin

            The fact remains:

            19 of 19 states in the NE quadrant voted for Biden.
            15 of 18 states in the SW quadrant voted for Trump.

          2. Midgard

            Irrelevant. Educational institutions in those states are driving vaccinations. Many a Republican county or voter that is high in college degrees is doing as well in vaccinations as well. Pay attention and grow. Social Nationalism is such a rebirth of left wing politics. Part of it is the cold rational empirical evidence it uses.

          3. Joseph Harbin

            Whether or not you're constipated may be irrelevant but you still have shit for brains.

            Blue states, on the whole, are doing far better than red states. Period. That's just a fact. Just like Kevin pointing out the Northeast is doing better than the South.

            WY, ND, ID, MT are deep red, whiter than Wonder Bread, and still lodged deep in the SW quadrant. Maybe it's not all about that Blacks. "Social Nationalism"! Oh yeah, that's relevant.

            "Many a Republican county or voter that is high in college degrees is doing as well in vaccinations as well."

            JFC. Learn how to write a goddamned sentence. We speak English here.

          4. Midgard

            Blue States are doing better because educated Republicans are getting the vaccines. Got it yet bub??? Or do you want the fantasy???

        2. Mitchell Young

          When Kevin Drum, bloghost, wanted in his usual cheerful way to 'prove' that California schools weren't *really* all that bad, despite perennial bottom 10 and even bottom 5 performances on every NAEP, he was only to glad to break things out by race/ethnicity.

    1. Jerry O'Brien

      I think that's a fair observation. I'll add this: over the past 28 days, the seven-day count of new confirmed cases in blue states dropped by 34%, while the same statistic in red states dropped by 7%.

  4. Special Newb

    MN chillin' up there. Closer to green bube than to blue. An island of relative sanity in a sea of maga. If we weren't surrounded by maniacs we'd have done even better.

    1. Midgard

      MAGA???? Please. Educational attainment idiot. Many MAGA college grads are leading the vaccination charge.

      1. ScentOfViolets

        You do know only six percent of all scientists self-identify as Republicans, right? So why don't you post your sources for these assertions of relevant educational attainment? Allow me to demonstrate by example how those bog-standard burden-of-proof conventions and obligations -- conventions that you refuse to honor -- are followed and met by citing links and quotes.

        Here is the link to the 2018 Pew report 'Party Identification Trends, 1992-2017 :

        And here are a few pull-quotes from 'The Washington Post' in re educational attainment vs party affiliation from that poll:

        "According to Pew, 54 percent of college graduates either identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared to 39 percent who identified or leaned Republican. One-third of Americans have a college degree."

        "The discrepancy becomes even greater when Pew distilled the sample down to people who have post-graduate education — at least some work toward a master’s, doctorate, law or similar degree. In that group, Democrats had a 2-to-1 edge, by 63 percent to 31 percent. In 1994, the two parties were almost evenly divided, with the Democratic lead just 47-45."

        "'While some of this shift took place a decade ago, postgraduate voters’ affiliation with and leaning to the Democratic Party have grown substantially just over the past few years, from 55% in 2015 to 63% in 2017,' Pew wrote."

        And here is the link to the 2009 Pew report, 'Public Praises Science Scientists Fault Public Media' as well as quote that supports my original point:

        "Only six percent of America’s scientists identify themselves as Republicans; fifty-five percent call themselves Democrats. By comparison, 23 percent of the overall public considers itself Republican, while 35 percent say they’re Democrats."

        Damn the lack of even so humble amenity as the block quote! And damn the dicey link policing -- I'd include a few more if it were not for the fear of being chuted to the spam folder.

        I trust I've made my point vis-a-vis relative educational attainments by party 😉

        1. Midgard

          Your point is null and void. Who cares what party affiliated with scientists is, registered Republican voters with a college degree are the most vaccinated subgroup. What a lame attempt at posting.

          1. ScentOfViolets

            You don't read good, do ya, drunky MacDrunkface. There are more Democratic college graduates than there are Republican colleges, with the differential only increasing in the Democrats favor when only looking at postgraduate education levels.

            Here are those quotes again:

            "According to Pew, 54 percent of college graduates either identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared to 39 percent who identified or leaned Republican. One-third of Americans have a college degree."

            "The discrepancy becomes even greater when Pew distilled the sample down to people who have post-graduate education — at least some work toward a master’s, doctorate, law or similar degree. In that group, Democrats had a 2-to-1 edge, by 63 percent to 31 percent. In 1994, the two parties were almost evenly divided, with the Democratic lead just 47-45."

            "'While some of this shift took place a decade ago, postgraduate voters’ affiliation with and leaning to the Democratic Party have grown substantially just over the past few years, from 55% in 2015 to 63% in 2017,' Pew wrote."

            You are a deeply, deeply stupid little man. An obnoxious little barker. Now step off, drunk.

  5. Rana_pipiens

    No, the west is not "somewhere in between." It's totally scattered, from Hawaii in the top right circle to Wyoming in the bottom left.

    There are traits the mountain west and Pacific west share, and when you happen to be looking at those you can safely lump the two regions together as "the west".

    On other traits, they are as different as New England and the south, as this plot illustrates. Draw a vertical line through the DE/IL/MN/VA cluster: All the mountain states are to the left, and all the Pacific states to the right.

  6. golack

    So NH effectively fully vaccinated (among adults who will take the vaccine), yet they are still at 15 new cases/day/100K (though that is falling)?

    At this rate, Covid will be around for a long time....

    1. Midgard

      Give me a break. New Hampshire covid testing is slow and sporadic. My guess cases which are falling down pretty low will be practically nill by memorial day. Yeah, Covid will be around for awhile, much like the seasonal flu. Your the most obnoxious poster on this site.

      1. ScentOfViolets

        Uh, tuds? He's not trying to convince you. You're trying to convince _him_. Trying to come off as a master of the game when it's obvious to all you haven't a clue as to how it's played is kinda cute in a three-year-old. Not so much when it's the raddled old barfly who drinks all day every, starting around, oh, noonish or so. If not before.

  7. Mitchell Young

    Good to see those NE super smart blue states which have the highest Covid death rates (the only semi-useful metric) have wised up. Except NY.

    1. KenSchulz

      The high cumulative total death rates in the Northeast are due in large part to the early arrival of the virus there, which in turn was a consequence of having high-traffic international airports. Early on, little was known about Covid-19, and case fatality rates were high. As there were more cases in the Northeast, there were more deaths. Over time, better treatment protocols have been developed, so CFRs have declined. States where the virus appeared later benefited from the accumulation of knowledge, and had fewer deaths.
      You state that death rates are "the only semi-useful metric". Are you an epidemiologist?

  8. Jasper_in_Boston

    The best performance has been in the Northeast, which has vaccinated about 65% of its population.

    "...has vaccinated about 65% of its ADULT population."

    I engage in this bit of pedantry only as part of my effort to shift us all away from making this distinction. It's been abundantly clear for some time that we're very likely going to need to vaccinate large numbers of children in order to squelch covid.

    1. iamr4man

      Pfizer is expected to receive approval for its vaccine to be given to 12 to 15 year olds by the end of the month and will request approval for 2-11 year olds in September. I sure hope they can all get vaccinated before the holiday season.

  9. worm600

    Slightly misleading to have the y-axis start at 40 and end at 70; it makes the southern states look fully unvaccinated and the northeast look completely done.

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