A "moderate" Republican throws out a warning:
GOP Sen. Rob Portman, a lead negotiator on the infrastructure deal, responds to Schumer’s Wednesday deadline. Says he will vote NO next week if the bill isn’t finalized. “I’m not gonna vote yes if we don’t have a product. We’re gonna get it right,” Portman told me
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) July 15, 2021
Spare me. How long do these folks need to tie up the loose ends on this bill? It would have been finished three weeks ago if Republicans truly wanted it to pass. Hell, they've finalized bills in a matter of hours when they really cared.
I get that Joe Biden wants to give Republicans every possible chance to pass a bipartisan bill. And who knows? Maybe it will work out in the end. But you can put me firmly in the skeptical camp that thinks Republicans are, once again, just trying to run out the clock on this bill. Leopards don't change their spots.
Charlie Brown, Lucy, football, etc.
Given that Joe Manchin has "strong reservations" about the Climate Change portion of the reconciliation bill, if this doesn't pass, there will be nothing at all.
Wrong, I suspect 1.5 trillion of the recon bill is made for infrastructure.
In more breaking news, the sun rose in the East this morning, and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
I figure after the 3.5 trillion reconciliation was decided(which ironically was the size for Biden's duel plans), Portman didn't have the votes.
There'll be a reconciliation bill only, in the end, as nearly all Republicans in the Senate abandon the bipartisan bill. Which will prompt Democrats to throw some of the infrastructure provisions into the reconciliation bill, which will end up totaling over $4 trillion. Trust me, this is how this is all going to shake out.
No, infrastructure will be a main part of the 3.5 million
Yup. Biden's plan was about 3.8 trillion for both. Your not getting it.
Once the budget resolution is passed, that puts a ceiling on how much spending can be included in the reconciliation package. $3.5 trillion is the most that can be passed through reconciliation this time around.
I'm open to being pleasantly surprised, but my money's still on Republicans voting for nothing, ever, if Biden can take credit for it.
I'm shocked, shocked to discover that gambling is going on in this establishment.
Nah, even Claude Rains couldn't feign shock, however insincerely, at this.
If I were a Democrat asked about this, I'd always reference what happened with the ACA and then ask how anyone can take Republicans at their word now given their behaviour then. Republicans could either tell people to stop believing their lying eyes about what they actually saw or they could say that this time is different ... neither of which would be a good look.
There will be no bipartisan infrastructure spending bill passed by this congress. I wrote that a month ago and there is no reason to change that opinion. I don’t even expect there to be a bill at all. No one cares except the rabid partisans and their media friends. No one cares. No one will remember it come 2022 election either. I don’t know why democrats insist on beating this issue to death.
Most things in the bills are popular - ask people in a non-partisan context and they will say they want those things. But Manchin and other blue dogs will not agree, so the votes are not there
Did you see that Schumer declared legalization of marijuana a top priority? Oh, how the mighty fall. LOL
Any current Democratic senator have brain cancer or something? My guess is they delay, praying for some opposition senator to die so the bill cant be passed.
There's a bunch of Democratic Senators over age 80 so unfortunately the chances are higher that one of them is unable to show up to vote due to illness or death.
So, when GQP loyalist Rob Portman sees Caitlyn Jenner jeered as "Bruce" at CPAC Dallas & hounded out of the hall with taunts of "tranny"*, does he see the live gay son whom he supposedly loves as any parent would, or does he see a Red Wave coming in the midterm rejoinder to the Biden-Harris autocracy?
*Calling Caitlyn Jenner this term is not only offensive to the trans population generally, but specifically to Brittany Daniel, the (cis) actor who portrayed Mac's bedonged love interest Carmen on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Carmen is more human than Caitlyn will ever be.
Please, "progressives," keep it up with your tranny dreams. Make sure to keep using "Latinx," so Latino voters know that you find our gonads fearsome. LOL
The Latinx