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Republicans still unable to pass anything

Republicans: can't live with 'em, can't chop 'em up for cat food:

For those of you who don't follow acronyms closely:

  • THUD = Transportation + Housing and Urban Development
  • FSGG = General government
  • CJS = Commerce + Justice + Science
  • AG = Agriculture
  • Labor-HHS = Labor + Health and Human Services

Republicans haven't made progress on any of the other appropriations bills either, so in a way there's hardly any point in highlighting just these. They can't do anything.

21 thoughts on “Republicans still unable to pass anything

  1. Altoid

    They're a "party" chopped up into a bunch of small factions that all want to ride their party label's numerical majority in order to force their factional will onto the party and then the rest of us. But the almost-meaningless empty party label is all they have in common and the infighting has gotten to where they're kidney-punching each other in the hallways in full view of reporters.

    And the bigger factor looming over the whole vomitory mass is the utter despicable servility of almost all of them to one orange eminence who isn't even one of them. Without that influence there might be a whisker of a chance they might eventually reach some kind of modus vivendi. With that in play, and because he wants the chaos and dysfunction, they have absolutely no feck.

    The framers were deathly afraid of the spirit of faction. They seem to have overlooked the spirit of servility. But then servility was what they fought a long war to avoid.

    1. mudwall jackson

      entertaining it might be but the price for that is a dysfunctional congress and a government that can't do its many jobs as a result.

  2. Yehouda

    The Republican essentially just do what Trump tell them to do, except that the less insane ones of them have some limits (or example, decline to vote for impeachment). At the moment, Trump doesn't want then to pass anything apart from the CR, so they don't.

  3. Salamander

    On the other hand, the Republican platform has long been "Government is useless and elected representatives are corrupt, incompetent, lying thieves." So they're just fulfilling their promises to the voters!

  4. Joseph Harbin

    "They can't do anything."

    Kevin is sounding a lot like this Republican.

    "ONE thing! I want my Republican colleagues to give me ONE thing -- ONE! -- that I can go campaign on and say we did. ONE!"

    Chip Roy, not happy as he turns a House floor speech into a Democratic campaign ad for next year.

    1. DButch

      He's not getting many responses from his R colleagues, but a lot of D's are pointing out that he's given them a major ad hook and can expect to be featured in a lot of their upcoming ads...

  5. different_name

    They can't do anything.

    Now that's just unfair.

    They've successfully damaged the US credit rating and economic outlook, and they're well on their way to making high school cafeterias look like models of decorum when compared to congress.

    1. Salamander

      Yes, an increasing amount of physical violence seems to be breaking out, in addition to all the yelling and name-calling. We must remember that some of them are actually armed...

  6. Heysus

    The most unfortunate part is these morons still take in oxygen, water and nutrients. Too bad. Couldn't we cut off one or two of them....

    1. Anandakos

      That grin on El Jefe with Taylor on his knee is gonna' piss off Melania pretty intensely. Maybe she'll do us all a favor.

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    With the amendments House Republicans have voted into these bills, however, we know that Senate Democrats will reject them outright. They're not serious; these amendments are petty swipes at specific groups and people. If the entirety of 2023 FY budget is just a constant stream of CRs, it's fair to say that the GOP have broken a major function of Congress.

    1. DButch

      Bill passed the House on Tuesday (with a lot of D votes), passed the Senate yesterday evening, and was on the way to the White House. Some rumors are going around that have the House hardliner caucus frothing - unconfirmed reports that the bill the House passed was NOT the ladder originally proposed. I can't find confirmation, but given the rookies in the House, I would also not be surprised.

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