RFK Jr. is pandering and kowtowing until his lips turn blue in a desperate attempt to win Republican approval for his nomination to run HHS:
He pledged to reverse the Biden Admin’s Section 1557 rule and also said all of his deputies at HHS would be prolife. He told me he believes there are far too many abortions in the US and that we cannot be the moral leader of the free world with abortion rates so high
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) December 17, 2024
Too many abortions! We can't be the moral leader of the free world with such high abortion rates! Here's the truth about that:
Among all countries, the US ranks 106th out of 151. Pretty low! As for moral leadership of the free world, that would apparently be Algeria, with an abortion rate of 0.4. Definitely a country to look up to.
Well, one way to prevent abortion would be free birth control.
Any GOP takers for that?
The goal is controlling women's reproductive choices, not reducing abortions.
Which G(r)OPer Congresscritter was it, who said that birth control was an aspirin between the knees ?
It ought to be a law, that anyone who loses a civil lawsuit or criminal case pertaining to sexual assault (aka rape), can have their fines/financial penalties or prison time reduced by way of chemical castration: 1 year for each $10M reduced or for 1 year of incarceration. Fewer abortions, amirite?
Chemical? I prefer stainless steel chastity cages because whenever they walk through a metal detector, an alarm goes off letting everybody know a creep is in the vicinity. (Even better when security wands the groin.)
Chemical castration is a myth. There's no real efficacy in its use outside of personal volition. It is neither.birth control nor really good at stopping reoffending rates.
I know abortion is a religious sacrament for many liberals today, but what ever happened to the old liberal mantra that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare?
I know he is just a troll, but I couldn't resist. As an extreme liberal, I still believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare. Looking at the chart, abortion is relatively rare in the US, compared to other countries. I don't consider abortion as a sacred rite, although it is a right. The women I know who had an abortion did not take it lightly, and in most cases, the male partner pushed for the abortion.
Don’t feed this sick fuck.
Eh...sometimes you just have to get it off your chest.
"I know abortion is a religious sacrament..." lol, No. You have them confused with theists. The liberal mantra still stands. Education and contraception are proven to make abortions rare. Guess who is against both?
Actually, if men were the ones getting pregnant, abortion WOULD be a sacrament.
This coming from the guy who supports actual murderers.
I know that insulting liberals is a religious sacrement for many conservatives today, but what ever happened to the old conservative commandment, "thou shalt not lie?" Because you just did by suggesting abortion is a 'sacrament.'
It is a sad thing when you devalue women like that. It should be rare.
Sadly, it's not, and we now have a rapist for president. Aren't you proud? Rape is the new conservative sacrement, ehh?
The man who wants to retract the approval of a vaccine that prevents polio has no right saying he's pro life. Fucking idiot.
Isn't Algeria the country they accused of sending a trans woman to box at the Olympics?
(In the real world being trans there is illegal and she was born female).
The only thing we've truly learned from the last election is just how little women matter.
It's really time to follow the lead of Icelandic women and have a day of rest.
The US is not the moral leader of the free world, Canada is. No abortion laws, legal cannabis, legal aid in dying. Canada was almost the first country in the world to legalize homosexual marriage. Canadians shoot each other at a very low rate. I leave it to the reader to add to that list.
How did Austria get the rate so low? Free IUDs?