The "smart Trump" speaks:
Question: Are you in favor of eliminating any agencies?
DeSantis: We would do education, commerce, energy, and the IRS. If Congress won’t go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology…
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2023
Eliminating cabinet departments is the last refuge of idiots. DeSantis isn't going to "do" any of them, nor does it matter unless he's also planning to eliminate all the actual programs they run. I wonder if he even knows that the Energy Department runs R&D for all our nuclear weapons and the Navy's nuclear reactors? Or that someone has to collect taxes whether we like them or not?
Moron. Either put names to the actual programs you plan to kill or STFU.
So fund government operations with giant tip jars?
Bake sales for DOD!!! If it's good enough for our schools...
And book sales only selling "non-woke" books?
+1 …
So what does the idiot do when people don't pay taxes in Florida? Defund the Dept Of Revenue?
I bet they get arrested, amIrite?
This is a great question and next time he says that someone should ask him why he did not eliminate Florida's Department of Revenue.
That's silly! How could FL weaponize taxation against Woke Disney? /s
I wonder (but not enough to go looking for it) if anyone is keeping track of how many times he uses "woke" in public statements. I recall an instance of him saying it 7 times in 20 seconds.
One would think that schtick would get old fast with the voters. Other than hard core maggats, at least. Of course, those are the folks who can listen to T whine and whinge for hours about how he won 2020 and never grow tired of hearing it, or listening to that awful wrestling announcer voice.
This brings back the good old days of Bush Junior, where Candidate Rick Perry vowed to eliminate DoE ... and ended up being confirmed as its head. But then he found out that's where the country's nuclear weapons came from! COOL! After that, no more abolishing talk.
One wonders just what he thought DoE did...
As Perry so memorably put it: "Oops!"
He doesn’t understand why we need a government department in charge of female deer.
He is smarter than Trump. Being smart is not the same as being wise. He's smarter than Trump, and the two are in competition for the "most ignorant person in America" award. That's a bad combination, which is why Ronald is worse than Donald.
While I'm on the subject, here's a question for Ronald:
Ryan Newman, your general counsel, defined woke on your behalf in a court filing as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."
So, if you're against woke, does that mean that you're against the idea that there are systemic injustices in American society, which implies American society doesn't need a justice system? Or does it mean you're against addressing social injustice, which implies that you're okay with injustice because it benefits you at somebody else's expense? That be my guess.
Florida is where social injustice goes to survive and thrive.
"So, if you're against woke, does that mean that you're against the idea that there are systemic injustices in American society, which implies American society doesn't need a justice system?"
Oh god, please do better.
Not believing there is systemic injustice does not mean you think that there are no robberies, assaults, rapes, and other assorted crimes that are ultimately dealt with in the justice system.
Worth noting that these clowns never want to touch DHS. DOJ may be evil in their eyes but the idea of a State police authority is just fine
I think it's amusing how he's decided to remake himself as a Trumpian populist.
The nuclear weapons program is just another way that the WOKES! are taking away the freedoms of real Americans. Deal with it Kev, Ron sees through your wokescreen.
DeWoke says he's going to throw the existing system out the window and replace it with a flat tax. He and Casey have lost their minds since his poll numbers turned south, when they were supposed to do the opposite.
And as everybody knows, flat taxes don’t require anybody to collect them or enforce them. You simply declare “everybody pay X% of your income!” and the entire populace goes “okay!” and venmos the money directly into Treasury’s checking account.
Eliminating cabinet departments is the last refuge of idiots.
DeSantis isn't an idiot. He's trying to con the millions of idiots who vote in GOP primaries into voting for him.
The habit of calling politicians "idiots" (and similar terms) just because they say idiotic things is a bad habit. Some of them are indeed idiots, but in most cases these are things that work on at least some of their voters.
That just means their voters are idiots too. We should be doing more ridiculing of idiocracy everywhere it’s found, if we don’t want it to continue to grow and eventually overwhelm us.
Indeed. Look at the CV of Ted Cruz, and it becomes clear that he's just doing his act for the rubes. Of which there appear to be a lot in Texas, probably due to its educational system.
Is Anti-Woke a winning platform!!! If it is, kiss democracy in Murika good by. Israel, Turkey and Hungary plus Poland may be the result. Blue states will be Murikan Palestinians???
The DoE also operates 17 national labs and is the US's largest sponsor of research into engineering and physical sciences. It's not ALL about nuclear. Our nation's supercomputers are in the DoE labs.
The National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center are both within NOAA which is part of Commerce. So no one to warn us when the next hurricane is approaching Florida.
NOAA also manages all the offshore commercial fisheries in the Gulf Coast and Atlantic. So we would have no management of commercial fisheries? Just a free for all for any foreign vessels to come in and fish in the US EEZ and no monitoring of what they are doing?
Commerce also includes the Small Business Administration which is basically the government agency that supports small business in all manner of ways from loans to training and advice. And, of course, the Census which is required in the Constitution as well as the Patent and Trademark Office.