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Ronna McDaniel wins fourth term as RNC chair. Will she also get another raise?

The Washington Examiner does a little examining today:

The salary for Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has nearly doubled during her six-year tenure on the job. McDaniel, who was elected as chairwoman in 2017, was paid $122,582 in her first year but made $358,431 from January 2022 through November 2022, according to Federal Election Commission data.

Hmmm. That looks like "nearly tripled," not "nearly doubled." But wait! First we have to extrapolate her 2022 salary for a full 12 months, which brings it to $390,000. That's more than tripled.

But wait again! In fairness, we have to adjust this for inflation, as we do with everything else. That brings her salary growth from $150,000 to $390,000 which is 2.6x.

That's pretty nice for six years, especially given her record. She was hired in 2017, and in 2018 Republicans got crushed in the midterm election. In 2020 Republicans lost the White House and both houses of Congress. In 2022, which should have been a "red wave" year, Republicans lost a seat in the Senate and eked out only a bare win in the House.

And yet, she was elected to a fourth term today. What's the deal here? Does McDaniel have dirt on everyone in the party? Is she the most prolific fundraiser ever? Is RNC chair an impossible job that no one else wants?

I am mystified.

20 thoughts on “Ronna McDaniel wins fourth term as RNC chair. Will she also get another raise?

  1. cld

    She simply best exemplifies what the Republican party are all about, grift and looting, and getting away with it.

    Her rivals just weren't getting away with it.

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  2. Jasper_in_Boston

    I’m guessing she got another term because the alternative was batshit crazy even by Republican standards? But admittedly, I haven’t followed the RNC race very closely.

  3. Salamander

    Her biggest competitor was Mr Pillow. Ordinarily, he would be the total winner in an internal Republican race ... so I'm clueless here.

  4. rick_jones

    Hmmm. That looks like "nearly tripled," not "nearly doubled."

    One of Kevin’s endearing qualities: His belief that journalists and reporters are numerate and so his surprise when they are shown to be otherwise.

    1. Salamander

      Oh, that name which will now forever remain anonymous?

      Fun fact: "Ronna" was named after the Republican Saint, Ronald Reagan. Hard to get any more "extremist Republican" than that. But she'll remain forever shamed in my eyes until she restores the "Romney" part of her moniker.

    1. iamr4man

      As I understood it Trump supported her and DeSantis didn’t. Which would make it a big loss for DeSantis, right? Though not being portrayed as such in the media as far as I can see.

  5. megarajusticemachine

    "In fairness, we have to adjust this for inflation, as we do with everything else."

    Yeah, except for minimum wage and the wage of most other Americans. My wages have never DOUBLED (or more) over the course of a couple of years, or indeed ever. It's all just a grift, which explains why they'll go as low as they can..

  6. Dana Decker

    Rick Wilson tweets:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    If y'all want to know the other secret why Ronna won, aside from Trump: she is on the WinRed deal, and those consultants who make many many many millions from the skim on WinRed weren't going to put a rando into the RNC.

    Still THE largest unreported corruption story in DC.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    + this exchange:

    COMMENT: Gee, Actblue is a nonprofit. Why isn't WinRed?
    Wilson: One word: skim.

  7. spatrick

    "That's pretty nice for six years, especially given her record."

    Well if you want someone to do a stinkin' awful stupid job, then you better be prepared to compensate them well. Since apparently she compensates the campaign consultants and the committee members well (hosting committee meetings at posh hotels) why wouldn't they support her?

    But all this is just ga-ga. I hear the same complaints on the Dem side about overcompensated consultants with losing campaign records and party committees being inbred with political professionals, which they are because that's what they do for a living. For all the bitching that will accompany RRMcD's win it really doesn't mean as much nowadays with online fundraising and grassroots organizing. MAGA could care less and shouldn't care anything about this treehouse club election.

    Because that's basically what won it for RRMcD. She may not use the "Romney" in her name anymore under Trumpian command but it was very useful yesterday. MAGA may have put a lot of their own on the RNC (the fact that Mr. Pillow got even four votes is testament to that). But the reality is even for all the endorsements Dillon got from DeSantis to Conservative Inc. it meant jack shit. Miss Romney is the last link the committee has to the Old Party and frayed though it may well be a strong majority of the RNC (and it wasn't even close) felt it in their best interest to preserve it when the day comes and there is no Trump to bully them into paying his legal bills anymore. Imagine the stink and outrage that would have risen if Bill Clinton had his legal bills paid for by the DNC but apparently no one cares that Trump uses party funds as his personal piggy bank to pay his lawyers (who still stiffs like the deadbeat that he is). But that's the Faustian bargain apparently to keep Trump happy enough not to demand a sock puppet of himself running the show. That's why he didn't endorse anyone for the job, because ultimately it didn't matter. As Charlie Sykes so well put it, the contest was between MAGA, More MAGA and Batshit Insane MAGA. RNC members can put up with MAGA but are waiting for DeSantis or someone else to liberate them. And it's not like they care who ultimately leads the party so long as they're left alone to grift or attend meetings in posh hotels. So there you go, the RNC in a nutshell.

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