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The LA Times was an ad-free newspaper today

I can't say this has never happened before, but I noticed something while reading the LA Times at breakfast this morning: it had no ads. The A section had literally not a single ad, and the B section had a few obituaries and classified ads, but not a single display ad. Not one.

This is what the entire paper looked like on Saturday.

This is not to say there was nothing at all. Saturday is the day for the weekly "Hot Property" supplement, which is a thick—and profitable—collection of high-end real estate for sale. So the Times is not quite without any ad revenue at all.

Still, not a single display ad in the entire regular newspaper. If you want to know why local papers are failing, this is a sign of the times.

8 thoughts on “The LA Times was an ad-free newspaper today

  1. Chondrite23

    Odd. I read the San Francisco Chronicle. In today’s section A six out of twelve pages had ads.

    I read the PDF version, not the printed paper. I actually look at the ads as sometimes they have some useful information about local merchants. I hate the online ads that appear suddenly blocking all content while you are reading a web page.

  2. cmayo

    I think the implication is different: that, for some reason, the newspaper doesn't think it needs to sell ads in that space. They think they're making up the revenue in other places. I think that's worse.

  3. Owns 9 Fedoras

    Lemme tell ya about another local paper. I've been taking the San Jose Mercury-News for decades. Each quarter I get a bill, and each quarter I'm shocked, and think seriously about canceling. The bill this quarter? $524. Which works out to about $6/day. My next-door neighbor couldn't take it this time. Although she's by no means poor, she says she called them up, told them "it's too much", and canceled. I didn't only because of a lack of credible alternative. At least, I assume the SF Chron would cost as much. Maybe I should verify that...

  4. James B. Shearer

    "...The bill this quarter? $524 .."

    The NYT seems to be $10 a week here in a New York suburb. But that appears to be an introductory rate for a year. Perhaps you should switch papers every year.

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