So far, the lame duck Congress has passed:
- A bill putting the railroads back to work.
- The Respect for Marriage Act.
What's next? There are a few possibilities:
- The Electoral Count Reform Act.
- Budget related stuff, including the budget itself.
I don't get the sense that ECRA is getting a lot of attention, but it's still in play. I hope it passes. It's a pretty moderate bill with bipartisan support and it's symbolically important even if its concrete reforms are modest.
As for all the budget stuff, I'd guess that the budget itself will get passed at the last minute but a debt ceiling increase won't. This will give MAGAnaut Republicans a shiny toy to play with when they take power in January.
Congress has until December 22 before it recesses—unless Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi decide to play chicken and hold the session open. Tick tock.
If you want to get things passed, hold the session open. Representatives and senators act like K-12 students when it comes to vacation time. Losing a day or two will really focus their minds.
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It is supremely reckless of Democrats to punt on dealing with both the debt ceiling and Electoral College reform when they have the votes.
Exactly. Precisely. Correct. The only POSSIBLE reason that they don't do the debt ceiling is that the Senate Parliamentarian has signaled that they've used up their Reconciliation bills, and they know they won't get ten Republican "Yes" votes.
But at least it would put a marker down when the government shuts down next fall. Everyone will know who is to blame.
When Ron Klaine [sp] was on Pod Save America, he sounded as though he wanted the Rs to look loony on the debt ceiling. Seems very irresponsible to me.
I thought the roadblock was the Senior Senator from AZ who thinks everyone should link arms and sing Kumbaya or something while she quietly takes the bags of cash offered to her by various dark money groups.
In terms of priorities I’d have thought ECRA was the most important. Even more so than forcing the railroad workers out of their strike.
But they don't have the votes in the senate. Both of those take 660 votes.
Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to give the Crazy cakes House and opportunity to tank an already fragile economy should be fired on the spot. Can’t believe they have not rammed through a 2 year debt limit raise. Morons.
What, no love for The Big Cat Public Safety Act?? …
They may not be able to get the debt ceiling taken care of, but the ECRA is a must, & there are additional judiciary positions to be filled - NOT with Federalist Society judges, obviously.
Approving judges gets easier in the next session.