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22 thoughts on “The winner is . . . Twitter

  1. Dana Decker

    Hmm. Did you use Dominion election technology to, um, get that obviously incorrect result?

    How many dead people voted?
    What about the suitcase of ballots under Kevin's desk?
    And there are reports a semi-truck from Michigan stopped at his house at 3 am when some very suspicious boxes were dropped off.

    I think it's time to get the Cyber Ninjas on the case.

  2. eblau

    Why keep calling it Twitter when that is not the name any longer? If Elon wants to confuse everyone with the name "X", why not do it? Nobody will know what you're talking about and that seems to be exactly what Elon wants.

  3. Kit

    Can we at least agree that we’ll give names in ways that feel good to us, regardless of how others actually wish to be called?

    1. jeffreycmcmahon

      This is AOK for the purposes of making it clear who we do and don't respect with all the consequences that follow. I don't respect Elon Musk, for all manner of very good reasons, therefore I have no hesitation in not adopting his new, stupid name for the site. If you don't want to respect actual human beings, who might be changing their names for legitimate and personal reasons, as a result of petty anxieties of your own , by all means go ahead and tell us all about it.

      1. Kit

        Well, Jeffrey, you’re very good at shooting from the hip and reading what you wish to read. But I got my answer: you call people as you wish to call them based on “petty anxieties”, and not because of any inherent dignity they might possess.

  4. Special Newb

    I use X.

    I X'd at a company about a bug in a game and they responded to my X with an X telling me they were working on the bug and try a workaround. I did, sent an X thanking them.and wishing them luck in fixing the issue.

    Normal X interaction.

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