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Three miscellaneous charts

I am bored. Kevin McCarthy just lost his 7th vote for Speaker, amassing his usual 201 votes. Matt Gaetz switched his vote from Byron Donalds to Donald Trump. Here are a few miscellaneous charts to keep you entertained while we continue this dreary process.

17 thoughts on “Three miscellaneous charts

  1. Justin

    And another mass shooting / murder suicide in Utah! Is this responsible for all the extra murders? Gun nuts doing mass murder then suicide? We need a chart.

    1. ChicagoGMan

      That is just the percentage of people with a "Low" number of friends - meaning 0-2, etc. So people are reporting less friends now than 30 years ago.

    1. Salamander

      Glad you asked! Per wikipedia:

      Jaffa Cakes are a cake introduced by McVitie and Price in the UK in 1927 and named after Jaffa oranges. The most common form of Jaffa cakes are circular, 2+1⁄8 inches (54 mm) in diameter and have three layers: a Genoise sponge base, a layer of orange flavoured jam and a coating of chocolate.

      Now I want one. Better yet, a whole box.

  2. marcel proust

    The last chart could easily be more informative with just a bit more complication:

    1) Include bars for the top 3 vote-getters in each round.
    2) Make it a time-series bar chart by adding a dimension for votes x round of voting in the last 5-8 Congresses; this would require rotating the graph 30-45 degrees so that a z-axis going off to the left is visible. 4 candidates received votes in 2021 (2 each recvd 1 vote), because some blue-dog dems had promised to oppose Pelosi, but she, being Nancy Pelosi, nevertheless won easily (or at least it looked easy).

  3. cephalopod

    The friends chart reminds me of this joke: Jesus' greatest miracle was having a dozen close friends in his 30s.

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      Well, actually only 11 unless you count Mary Magdalene. Judas and Jesus had a bit of a falling out, you could say.

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