I have no particular reason for posting this aside from the fact that March unemployment figures were recently released. If you're curious how your state has done over the past year, here's the decline in unemployment since March 2021:
Before you get too excited if your state did well, keep in mind that the states with the highest unemployment also had the biggest declines. But you probably guessed that already.
If the trend is good, that could help some in the midterms, couldn't it?
Let voters, especially in Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Pennsylvania, be kept aware of how much the Democrats' big American Rescue Plan of 2021 helped their states.
That plot could be a surrogate for dozens of other metrics. But, like a metronome, political power will chnage hands this November to punish the successful and reward the bizarre. Lemmings have taken control.
Maybe scatter plot change in unemployment along with death-by-covid rate? The problem with this chart is that Nebraska might be the winner, from a certain point of view, but that could simply be because Nebraska had no lockdowns and just let a lot of old people die.
Nebraska did the worst, not the best, no? Or am I reading the chart backwards. A big negative change in employment is good, for example, a drop from 10% unemployment to 6% unemployment is 4%. A drop from 5% to 4.5% is -0.5%.
No, that is wrong. Nebraska had fewer workers and small business down.
Nebraska did "the worst" according to this chart. That is, it saw the smallest drop in joblessness. Bear in mind, of course, Nebraska experienced a smaller rise in unemployment than most other states to begin with. So, there was less damage to repair. Blue states with strict lockdowns and loads of service sector jobs got hit worst in the first half of 2020, hence they've had the most ground to make up.
Can we stop using euphemisms about January 6?
It wasn't about reversing an election, it was about overthrowing the government.
It wasn't about anything more polite than that.