Do you want to know how good the economy is? Over the past three years unemployment has averaged 3.8%. This is the lowest sustained rate of unemployment of the entire past half century.
Better than Morning in America. Better than the dotcom boom. Better than Trump. The best in more than 50 years.
Sure, facts and statistics show unemployment at historic lows, but "vibes" show it to be at least 50%.
My spouse is in marketing and his been unemployed for 11 months. Fuck the stats.
My brother has been out of work for the better part of a year as well. Not that he can't find work, technically -- he's headhunted all the time -- but he can't move to take the jobs he's been offered thus far due to a complex ex-spouse/family situation. Important to remember, though, that personal anecdotes =/= data.
Yes, there are certain sectors where it is nearly impossible to get a job these days, marketing being one of them.
I'm old enough to remember when 4% unemployment was considered unachievably low, 5% the aspiration in practice.
That can not be true. Nearly 50% of the American voters know that the Harris Administration has ruined the American economy.
Posted about, but..... still true.