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Unions provide great job benefits

Why is it that union organizing drives so often fail? Brutal opposition from management is one reason, but another is simply that a lot of workers don't feel they'd get any benefit from belonging to a union. That's wrong:

These are the latest estimates from the BLS, and they show pretty clearly that in addition to better pay, union members also have considerably greater access to benefits. I don't imagine this comes as a surprise to anyone, but sometimes it's nice to see the actual numbers.

10 thoughts on “Unions provide great job benefits

  1. Solarpup

    Instead of someone explaining why people don't want to be in a union, I'd rather have someone explain my brother-in-law to me who, literally, is the president of his union, but is otherwise a Republican & two time Trump voter.

    Although I kind of get it: taxes, guns, defense spending, he's traditional Republican. And I think it's easy enough for people to think, "All other unions, other than mine, suck".

    Still, people are funny.

      1. Salamander

        Unless it's the FBI. Or the Justice Department. Then it's "DEFUND DA MAN!" all the way.

        But after they've finished with Hunter Biden and administered the death penalty. Of course.

        1. Solarpup

          Mostly OK with police unions, despite having had multiple driving related run ins with them in his youth. (Honestly, if he were black, he would never have made it past the age of 17 given the stuff he used to pull with them. Whether he would ever admit that, probably not.)

          As for the FBI, one of his childhood friends is very much part of the "anti-Hillary" wing of the Bureau. So, I'm guessing feelings there are a bit more complicated.

    1. Martin Stett

      Union dues. They look at the small slice from their checks and forget how small that check would be without a union.
      And politics. To hear some people tell it, the union heads sit around bonfires fed by aborted fetuses and firearms.

  2. sdean7855

    If you read the antiwork Reddit, you'll learn there are endless ways for the boss to hose you and play games with your benefits and everything else that (haha) was promised you. So not only are the bennies better with a union, you have somebody to stick it to the company when the boss is jerking you around about the vacation you're owed, you scheduled and now the boss says if you take it, he'll fire your ass.

  3. ScentOfViolets

    This is one I never get tired of trotting out when the subject of how union workers vote comes up:

    Ferraro remembered a Michigan campaign stop before union members who were telling pollsters they were going to vote for Reagan. At an appearance before 2000 autoworkers at a Chrysler plant, she says, she threw away her prepared remarks, much to the consternation of her staff, and reminded the workers that Mondale and Ferraro supported the government's financial bail-out of their company.

    "And I said, 'So what's the matter with you?' And there was dead silence and I'll never forget if I live to be 100, there was a guy in a white jumpsuit. I have no idea why he was wearing a jumpsuit and he raised his hand like this and he said, 'We're voting for Ronald Reagan because we're standing tall.'"

    OTOH, while I never get tired of it, I find the subtext depressing in the extreme.

  4. Talphon

    As a private union member on the railroad, I can confirm that the benefits and pay are well above most industrial labor. However, anti-union sentiment is rampant.

    I'm fairly sure that it is because most people are genuinely angry the union doesn't deliver every single thing they want and that there is actual compromise during negotiations with management.

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