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Vance says no pardons for J6ers convicted of violence

The list of Trump walkbacks so far:

  1. Grocery prices aren't going to come down after all.
  2. Tariffs might raise prices. Hard to say.
  3. Maybe the tariffs won't be for everyone.
  4. We probably aren't going to deport everyone either.
  5. And we're not going to pardon all of the J6 insurrectionists.

That last one is brand new and comes from J.D. Vance, who says Trump will only pardon insurrectionists who didn't commit violence. But everyone who was convicted of using violence was sent to prison, and Trump originally said he would release everyone in prison. Now J.D. Vance says they're going to have to serve out their sentences. Sad.

UPDATE: Wait! There's more:

  1. Ending the Ukraine war won't happen within 24 hours of being inaugurated. Maybe a hundred days or so.

Sorry. It's hard to keep up.

71 thoughts on “Vance says no pardons for J6ers convicted of violence

  1. Josef

    I laughed and shook my head when I read about this earlier. It's sad how gullible MAGA people are. If you committed an act of violence for Trump you deserve whatever you got and then some. Trump only cares for himself. When are they going to get that through their thick skulls?

    1. MarkHathaway1

      The ones spending time in jail/prison feel it personally. Apparently, others who are not directly affected don't yet realize. They might never understand it.

    2. zaphod

      It's sad how gullible MAGA people are.

      Even many who are not MAGA.

      Democrats consider themselves reality-based. And they are for many issues. But the Republicans are much closer to reality when it comes to assessing the electorate. They see an ocean of gullible, persuadable marks who they can manipulate and scare into voting their way.

      1. Josef

        They stick to their message no matter what. Even reality takes a back seat to it. They are even worse now in the age of Trump. He taught them they can out right lie without suffering any reprecussions.

      1. Joseph Harbin

        "He said no pardons but not no commutations."

        Google's AI Overview is not a fan:

        Technically, a sentence can use a triple negative, but it is not considered grammatically correct in standard English and should be avoided in formal writing; it's generally considered a very informal or dialectal usage that can sound awkward or confusing.

        But I think your sentence is fine! If it wasn't for multiple negatives, we'd never have beauties like this:

        Prince Charming: You're telling me you don't know where Shrek is?
        Pinocchio: It wouldn't be inaccurate to assume that I couldn't exactly not say that it is or isn't almost partially incorrect.


        "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."

        1. Batchman

          That wasn't no triple negative nohow. But if I were to reply "He never said not no commutations" you'd have a potential case there.

          Or maybe "It's not true that he didn't say no commutations" would be more sensible (if not necessarily true or false).

          At that point it starts to strain comprehensility for most readers.

      2. memyselfandi

        13were convicted of seditious conspiracy which is the actual charge used for engaging in an insurrection. So you are 100% wrong

        1. Joseph Harbin

          US law has different sections for different crimes with different penalties.

          18 U.S.C. § 2383 prohibits rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or its laws.

          18 U.S.C. § 2384 prohibits seditious conspiracy....

          18 U.S.C. §2385 prohibits advocating overthrow of Government....

          No J6ers were charged under 18 U.S.C. § 2383.

          18 were charged under 18 U.S.C. § 2384.
          10 were convicted after trial.
          4 pleaded guilty.
          All were either members of the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys.

          Those are the facts.

    1. Josef

      And you expect a pathological liar to keep his word? Ask the various people who did business with him how trustworthy he is.

  2. spatrick

    Hope he cleared what he said with the boss because I'd hate to be a J6er who thought he had a promise from Trump to get a Get Out Of Jail Free card after his election. That would be quite a letdown

    1. Joseph Harbin

      Maybe they finally found something for Vance to do: deliver the bad news that Trump won't deliver himself. If the MAGAs get too upset, Trump can deny and throw Vance under the bus.

        1. jte21

          It's not. The VP is elected, not appointed, by the president (even though he "picked" the nominee), ergo, you can't just unload the VP on a whim after the election. He would have to be impeached and removed by Congress. I suppose if Trump really lost it and wanted to get rid of Vance he could order Republicans to do that, and I presume they probably would because they've all been reduced to snivelling, gormless cowards.

          1. memyselfandi

            The democrats in the senate would be unlikely to cooperate. Nor, with their 219 house votes would the house republicans be likely to cooperate.

            1. KenSchulz

              Why wouldn’t the Republicans in the House do as they’re told? Because the Freakshow Caucus will engage in their usual obstruction of practically everything that isn’t a tax cut, or because they don’t want the Squeaker of the House any closer to the Oval Office?

          2. Art Eclectic

            Sure, but Trump is not a politician or a lawyer and he's used to playing by a different set of rules. Vance, Musk and the rest of the merry band are all expendable. Sure, he can't FIRE Vance, but he can destroy his chances of a future in politics in the same way he did Pence, who couldn't get elected dog catcher now.

        2. memyselfandi

          No a president can't fire a vice-president. John Adams would have fired Thomas Jefferson on day 1 if he could have. (Originally the constitution had the loser in the presidential election be the vice president. They changed that with the 12th amendment.

          1. Joseph Harbin

            I suspect that space under the bus will get so full of bodies that the bus may get stuck with no place to go.

            The scenarios here are the flip side of the apparent plan to get Trump "re-elected" in 2028. He can't be elected president a third time, but if he runs for VP (and Scotus lets him), the top of the ticket will resign after taking office and Trump will be president again. If the guy on the top of the ticket doesn't play ball, there are ways to deal with that. Just one (Constitutionally suspect) possibility.

      1. Josef

        There was a clip going around last year showing Trump saying something like he didn't know that, it's the first time he's heard it. I can see him saying something like that, and he'll "look" into it. Then quietly move on to the next distraction. Or not so quietly.

  3. Altoid

    Number 5 earns every ounce of Kevin's sarcasm. What possible point could there be for any J6 pardon, in the entire known universe, if it isn't specifically for violent acts committed in trump's support?

    And this one comes from Vance, not even from the boss-- Musk-- or the boss's factotum, trump. I would have said Vance's place in the trump train is somewhere behind a caboose, except that cabooses have mostly been replaced by small lighting boxes called "end of train devices" or "flashing rear-end devices." And I'm gonna say "flashing rear-end device" is actually a pretty good fit for Vance these days.

    1. Talphon

      Yep. In the industry we actually just call them E.O.T.s or sometimes 'markers'. I've never heard the proper name used once.

  4. bbleh

    Wait what?! That paragon of honesty and fair dealing, that courageous and successful leader in business and politics, the Chosen One, may have said something that might not be entirely truthful?!?

    Stop the fkin presses!!

    I seriously don't know whether to feel sorry for the ignorant, gullible, children-in-adults'-bodies who believe what he says or -- worse -- ACT on it. I mean, they're all about "no nanny state" and "personal responsibility," so arguably they're just experiencing the consequences of their Bad Life Choices and to help them would be to Send The Wrong Message.

    And of course the same is true of all the Smart Republicans who didn't do anything as dumb as attack the Capitol but are happy the fools who did volunteered as cannon fodder, and by the way also happen to have pre-existing medical conditions and ... whaaaat?!?

    Thanks again, Republicans!

    1. KenSchulz

      Don’t forget to thank the ‘Independents’ who broke heavily for the Felon. They are such forgiving folks, willing to give a pass to bigotry, sexual assault, mockery of disabilities, fraud, bankruptcy, tens of thousands of lies, and much more.

  5. iamr4man

    I don’t think anyone has a clue what Trump will do. That includes his advisors, cronies, supporters, family members, Vance, Musk and Donald J Trump. All we can do is wait and hope it won’t be as repugnant as we think it will be.
    And whatever he does his flunkies will support him, give him money, and buy his merchandise. We are in rinse and repeat cycle and will be for 4 years (at least).

      1. iamr4man

        I suspect he doesn’t know what he did after it is done. But if whatever happened turned out well he will take full credit. If it turns out badly he will blame someone else and say he had nothing to do with it. If something he didn’t do turns out well he will claim full credit. If something he says doesn’t happen but what does happen turns out well he will say that’s what he meant all along.
        The only thing that actually matters to him is acquisition of money, adoration of as many people as possible but especially “important” people, recognition as being superior, and revenge.

    1. Art Eclectic

      History is always pretty instructive. Of the cabal of misfits from term #1, the only ones still around are his children - the boys specifically. Everyone else has been pushed to the side, thrown under the bus, and/or convicted. He churns through stooges like Diet Cokes.

  6. JohnH

    You mean he was supposed to do stuff, other than channel money to himself and the rich? His supporters just wanted to vent against the liberals, and they found a man who did so as well, validating them. All's fine.

    1. Bardi

      Just to be clear, the only reason donnie "channels money" to the rich is to be in a position to then take a part of the "savings". After the "tax cuts", all of the "rich" that I know received a call from donnie, asking, then demanding, a cut of the "savings".
      According to a couple, donnie was pretty artful on he structured the "request".

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    I feel like most people have forgotten how insanely capricious the actions of the administration were, from 2017 - 2020.

    99% of the time, the convicted felon Trump would issue an edict on social media in response to something he saw or heard on Fox News or from elsewhere, only to have it quietly ignored, countermanded, or modified.

    1. jte21

      Back then he had people around him who were actually concerned with things being "legal" and stuff and so would either ignore or talk him down from some of his zanier schemes out of fear there could be repercussions. They don't need to worry about any of that shit now.

    1. MarkHathaway1

      "Vance". We ain't got no Vance. We don't need no stinking Vance. We don't have to show you any Vance. --- maybe Emperor Trump

  8. Jasper_in_Boston

    I'm thinking it's dawned on them that pardoning a bunch of violent nutters isn't going to be a good look for Donnie when they inevitably start to re-offend.

    1. memyselfandi

      In light of that comment, I would mention the pizza gate criminal was gunned down by the police last week. Unlike a black person, he was given multiple warnings to drop his weapon before the police opened fire.

    2. jte21

      Or would encourage the media to go back over how truly violent and terrifying the attack on the Capitol was. These people were out for blood. I think Trump really wants them to simply go away and pardoning them would just draw a lot more unwanted attention to how he once tried to foment a coup using a bunch of roided-up neo-Nazis.

  9. KJK

    Does it really matter what Couch Fucker Vance says, it's not like it's coming from Elon or someone else who will be influential in the 2nd Reich.

    Note for the future (beginning in 7 days + 55 minutes) assume everything said by anyone associated with the Administration is a lie (or utter bull shit), until proved otherwise.

    1. LactatingAlgore

      are you telling me not to tryst the charlatan son of a violent, uneducated drunk father & crackhead, pillstealing mother?

    2. cld

      More like the ghost of the African raj.

      What Mister Kurtz did for the Belgian Congo Elon and Peter Thiel want to do for America.

      They are the ideal people to make common cause with neo-Confederates and Nazis.

  10. Steve Stein

    It's so cute how Vance thinks he has any power in this administration. Pronouncements from him mean less than nothing.

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