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Weather control: An update

Is MAGA Nation still obsessing over weather control? Here's an update:

It looks like MAGA is moving on to newer and better conspiracy theories. Weather control isn't holding up compared to Al Pacino, although it's doing better than poor Geoffrey Hinton, who got a day or two in the sun and then plunged back into oblivion. Another few days and the hurricane creation machines will all be forgotten.

12 thoughts on “Weather control: An update

  1. iamr4man

    Trump in Coachella:
    “California, you're going to have so much water, you're not going to know what the hell to do with it. They're going to call me and say, sir, please, please, we have too much water. We're flooding. You don't have any water. It's artificial.”

    Oh yeah, when he does it it’s ok.

  2. J. Frank Parnell

    How can MAGAts think only god can affect the climate, but the government can control the weather? Kind of like being pro Zionist and antisemitic at the same time.

  3. Justin

    Social media memes are a gone in a moment. So why do so many lefty folks repeat relight wing bullshit from people like green? Do they think that spreading it will discredit her or the right wing? If so, They are wrong.

  4. Perry

    This doesn't mean the MAGAs are not still obsessing over weather control. It means they aren't looking it up online any more frequently. They are getting the info they want from each other at their MAGA websites.

  5. msobel

    "Another few days and the hurricane creation machines will all be forgotten."

    Until the next need the Fossilistas need to blame someone other than global warming for the next record breaking weather disaster.

  6. Devyn

    This strikes me as an incomplete picture. Maybe it's helpful as an indicator, especially for the general population. But specifically for MAGA, I'm less certain. Aren't these conspiracies spread more on X, Truth, and even Facebook? And don't the conspiracy-minded not trust Google any more? And, as someone else said, doesn't this just mean they're no longer *searching* for it, rather than an indication they no longer believe or are otherwise sharing it?

  7. ConradsGhost

    "...hurricane creation machines..."

    Witches, you mean, Devilcrat witches drinking the blood of innocent babies after they rape, sodomize, and torture them to death. The spawn of Satan, pure evil, every word they say a lie, stealing what they cannot get by their black, hellish ways. Do not look a Devilcrat in the eye - they will hypnotize you and manipulate you to be one of their sick minions, a slave to their soulless hell. It's a fight to the death my friends, and the soulless zombie Devilcrats want nothing less than to crush your bones into dust so they can dance on the memory of a once great country.

    There's your "hurricane creation machines."

  8. JohnH

    Bear in mind that Trump often spouts whatever pops into his head, which has to reinforce the transience of such things as well. Of course, Vance may temper that because it's not like him to let go of anything if it means admitting error or not suffiently kow-towing to Trump. Besides, he has nothing else to say.

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