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Which country paid Trump the biggest bribes?

According to Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, foreign governments trying to curry favor with Donald Trump spent nearly $8 million in stays at Trump's hotels during his presidency. As a public service, I have made a chart out of the top ten sycophants with the columns colored in beautiful Trump gold:

China is #1 by a mile at $5.6 million, but this is an unfair comparison since they're a lot bigger than the others. Here is per capita spending among the top ten:

Qatar is the winner! For its size, China is a relatively modest crook—and not a very effective one, either. Still, it's all pocket change for these guys.

20 thoughts on “Which country paid Trump the biggest bribes?

  1. middleoftheroaddem

    While I agree that Trump is a crook, perhaps a better way to look at this would be the CHANGE in spending. Meaning, if the spending levels were similar before Trump took office, then this is not a real news story.

    Note, I SUSPECT there was a huge increase in spending, but also recognize the possibility that there is a different, potential, finding.

    1. jte21

      I'll eat my hat if any of these foreign governments were all high rollers at Trump resort properties before he became president. I'd further bet the majority of the spending was at the Trump hotel in DC. I read somewhere a couple of years ago that the Saudis would literally buy a whole floor at a time, regardless if they needed the rooms, so that when their guys did arrive, Trump's people made sure to give them VIP service, meetings with top advisers like Kushner, etc.

      Everyone knew the Trump administration was a huge pay-to-play scheme. Everyone.

      1. jambo

        If my hotel VIP package involved meeting Jared Kushner I’d be really disappointed. Like finding the minibar stocked with Hydrox, Milwaukee’s Best, and Thunderbird.

    2. Boronx

      Why would it be ok for them to be funneling money to him while president if they were doing it before he was president?

      1. Jasper_in_Boston

        Trump was corrupt as fuck, and I'm happy to see him have some bad news cyclies, but I agree with the commenter: we need more context. Trump was a hotelier, after all, and I doubt we'd all be dismissive of the need for more info if a Democratic hotelier had become president.

    3. lower-case

      we should also note that trump sold the DC hotel after he left office (and the money-laundering pay-to-play scam had obviously run its course)

      1. lower-case

        looks like people stopped using the hotel after trump left town; whocoodanode?

        Hotel industry executives have said the hotel had underperformed compared with other luxury hotels in the city, particularly since President Donald J. Trump left office

        trump sale of dc hotel

    4. HokieAnnie

      The problem there is that before Trump the old post office building wasn't a hotel! It was a dying indoor mall with assorted touristy stores and a food court along with dry cleaners and other needed services circa about 1985.

      No recent president had the same corruption setup, Obama was middle class until his famous speech in 2004 lead to better book deals and bestsellers. Bush was from older money and was more about honest graft that was far more subtle and less $$$. Clinton was famously middle class not wealthy when he was elected. Bush senior was wealthy from oil and didn't seem to need to be corrupt in that way whereas Reagan when on the speech circuit and was setup in a nice home post presidency but made money in real estate in California earlier in life so didn't appear to be a greedy moneygrubber either.

    5. MarissaTipton

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  2. Yehouda

    8Mn$ really is peanuts compared to the 2Bn$ that Kushner got.
    There are also probably deals somewhere in the range between these numbers that we are not aware of.

    1. jte21

      As the report states, this is based on the (relatively small number of) records they had access to because Comer wouldn't let them subpoena anything more. If they had been able to audit Trump's financial records with same kind of forensic rotor-rootering the Bidens have been subjected to (with nothing to show for it), we'd undoubtedly see a lot more shenanigans with foreign influence-peddling.

  3. rick_jones

    Per-capita? Those numbers would be much smaller. At $3.something per-capita, China would have need in the billions of dollars.

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    Dunno why per-capita would make any sense.

    Instead, I would want to know what the average room rate was for each of the countries, though. Was China "paying" $2000 a night? Was Saudi Arabia "paying" $10,000 a night?

  5. kenalovell

    Sorry, but the winner by a mile is Russia.

    Moscow on the Beach
    Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings
    By Nathan Layne, Ned Parker, Svetlana Reiter, Stephen Grey and Ryan McNeill

    Filed March 17, 2017, 5:44 p.m. GMT

    A Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida.

    And they're just the ones they could identify. In one state. A third of the sales were to LLCs whose beneficial owners couldn't be traced.

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